Example sentences of "[noun] to perform [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The classic case is the famous opening scene of Le bourgeois gentilhomme , in which a hopelessly inept student , singing soprano , attempts to perform a languorous love song .
2 The lowest , most general , and most unambiguously useful level consists in the employment of a computer to perform a humdrum task in less time than would be possible for an unaided human : the search through a text for a quotation , the determination of a word frequency , the construction and analysis of a contingency table , the classification of iconic data .
3 Registered foreign lawyers are not permitted to carry out activities reserved to solicitors , but MNPs may employ assistant solicitors to perform the full range of solicitors ' services for clients of the practice .
4 There are two main ways in which genetic engineering can be used in agriculture : ( 1 ) by the introduction of a specific gene or genes into a plant or animal cell so that the performance of that plant or animal is enhanced in a particular way through the new trait which has been added , and ( 2 ) by the introduction of a gene or genes into a bacterial cell which will cause the bacterium and its subsequent generations to perform a useful function , for example , to produce a protein toxic to insects or a specific compound especially valuable to farm animals or to man .
5 There were some irreverent proposals to perform the ultimate experiment and try injecting material extracted from Ungar 's brain into his critics — a human trial that I suspect Ungar himself might have been rather in favour of !
6 Finding a competing behaviour means finding an acceptable activity for the child to engage in which robs him or her of the opportunity to perform the defined problem behaviour .
7 These fish have developed their electric sensors to perform a wide range of functions .
8 Charged previously only with card fabrication , Solaic now customises the cards with a software mask that contains all the information necessary for the card to perform the desired function , and engineers systems that use the cards .
9 This entails the choice of the best pieces of equipment to perform the required function , ensuring that the flow of work and service is at its most economical .
10 The question of justification may also arise where A seeks to assert rights under a contract with B which is inconsistent with another contract between B and C. The question here is whether A has a right equal or superior to that of C and if he has he is justified in persuading B to break his contract with C. So if B enters into a contract on Monday to sell to A for £10,000 and then next day to sell the same property to C for £15,000 A , by persuading B to perform the first contract commits no wrong against C.
11 In the case of working class women , Anna Martin , a suffragist , observed that mothers were being ‘ ordered by the law to perform the impossible and punished if they fail ’ .
12 She uses reversible metaphor to perform an integrative operation on this material , bringing it together in a mobile yet highly structured whole that turns around a small number of common patterns .
13 This larger group would then choose an observer group of given countries to perform a peace-keeping role in Afghanistan , which would involve defusing the insurgency and supervising general elections .
14 A popular means of saving costs is to reduce the work-force and hire outside contractors to perform the same duties .
15 In this case , s 3 of the UCTA will regulate a guarantee as excluding liability for breach or failure to perform a contractual obligation .
16 The first was based on the concept that a contract might contain a fundamental term — a core obligation — so that a failure to perform the fundamental term would amount to a total failure to perform the contract .
17 Biopsy evidence of the absence of metaplastic columnar epithelium was obtained in all cases , however , because the need to perform an additional endoscopy compliance was in the order of 60% .
18 Yet others rebel against this marginalization and demand both the right to perform the full range of police work ( from which follows the wish to carry guns ) and that men should become more involved in dealing with child and female offences .
19 So wife Raine asked a clergyman to perform an ancient exorcism ritual at Althorp House , near Northampton .
20 After nationalisation in 1948 , the pits were transformed by the universal provision of baths and canteens — social places to perform the private work of women .
21 Before that though let's just er take in one of tonight 's Coca Cola Cup replays , as Shrewsbury have another chance to perform a giant killing act in that competition .
22 as if to emphasise the significance of this movement , Ricci took a full minute to perform the simple rotation .
23 Even if the courts had the resources to perform the first of these tasks , the latter involves value judgments of a kind inappropriate to the judicial function .
24 It is therefore left to the specialist food service planner to perform the required functions .
25 Described by the Treasury and Civil Service Committee as ‘ the most ambitious attempt at Civil Service reform this century ’ ( 1990 , para 1 ) , it involves the creation of executive agencies to perform the administrative work of large parts of the civil service ( see Chapter 12 ) .
26 Whereas the time taken for a computer working randomly but with the constraint of cumulative selection to perform the same task is of the same order as humans ordinarily can understand , between 11 seconds and the time it takes to have lunch .
27 Don McComish travels 1,000 miles from his home in Adelaide to perform the standard-bearing duty each year .
28 Actress Beverley D'Angelo is taking time out from her screen career to perform a risqué country set across the Bible belt .
29 The company instructed its auditors to perform a working capital review on a potential acquisition of a company established in India .
30 However , if a person does not want to remember names of minor characters in a novel , or does not have to remember arbitrary names to perform an experimental task , a representation of content from which that information is omitted — an incomplete mental model — will suffice .
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