Example sentences of "[noun] dissociate [pn reflx] from " in BNC.

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1 Croatia and Slovenia proceeded during October with steps to dissociate themselves from federal Yugoslav arrangements , refusing to extend beyond Oct. 7 the three-month moratoriums on implementing their independence declarations to which both had agreed at the Brioni talks in July [ see p. 38374 ] .
2 French President François Mitterrand dissociated himself from the statement because of a passage which , praising Soviet moves to democracy and " economic liberty " , said that market economies should be created in the Soviet republics .
3 The three ministers belonging to the CDU ( which had been under pressure from its West German counterpart to dissociate itself from the regime ) also withdrew from the coalition on Jan. 25 " to make way for negotiations " but would continue in a caretaker capacity .
4 I should happily give way — if it were in my power to do so — to give them the opportunity to dissociate themselves from that appalling motion .
5 It asserted the need for social reform within a broad imperial policy and attacked the official leaders of the Labour movement for their failure to dissociate themselves from pacifists and militants .
6 Mr. Brakspear dissociated himself from the report saying ‘ the error in truth having arisen from the fact that they ( he and Mr. Fryer ) were the only two who went round the links with reporters ’ .
7 SECRET talks in London between the African National Congress and a group of liberal Afrikaners , including President FW de Klerk 's brother , ended yesterday with the ANC playing down the significance of the event and President de Klerk dissociating himself from it .
8 After the Restoration he took pains to dissociate himself from the religious radicals , subscribing both to a declaration against the Fifth Monarchist , Thomas Venner [ q.v. ] , in 1661 , and taking the Oxford oath in 1666 , abhorring armed resistance to the king .
9 But we wanted from the start to dissociate ourselves from the arrogant and ignorant belief that in some mysterious way English is superior to other languages , and that children who speak Bengali or Hindi at home should abandon these languages as soon as possible .
10 The dictates of self-preservation often ensured that the respectable young working woman dissociated herself from the known prostitute , since association with prostitutes rendered a woman 's character suspect to the police and could lead to her name being placed on the registration list .
11 State-controlled television claimed on Nov. 18 that the opposition protest " had fizzled out as people dissociated themselves from the politics of disruption and violence " , although it acknowledged that stoning and tear-gassing in Lahore had " caused inconvenience " .
12 Several Conservative MPs repudiated the Group and Mrs Thatcher dissociated herself from the critical remarks .
13 It must not be supposed , therefore , that the desire of Protestants to dissociate themselves from Catholic Christianity automatically created a disposition in favor of free thought .
14 The Scottish National Party put down a Commons motion calling on the Prime Minister to dissociate himself from his press spokesman .
15 On March 2 the Albanian Council of Ministers issued an appeal calling on the public to dissociate itself from rioting and looting .
16 The Samaritans petitioned the Syrian king in order to dissociate themselves from the Jews , to be considered Sidonians and to give to their god the name of Zeus Hellenios : " Now you have dealt with the Jews as their wickedness deserves , but the King 's officers , in the belief that we follow the same practices as they through kinship with them , are involving us in similar charges , whereas we are Sidonians by origin , as is evident from our state documents .
17 Gandhi dissociated himself from this development and withdrew from politics until 1939 , when the outbreak of the Second World War stirred him to political action again .
18 The rumour generated a wave of protest , which caused the HDUR to dissociate itself from the initiative .
19 The new party dissociated itself from the mistakes of its predecessor .
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