Example sentences of "[noun] detach [pn reflx] from " in BNC.

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1 Cunningham detached himself from the British game negotiating a £1 million transfer to Real Madrid in 1979 , the same year in which Maurice Hope of Antigua emulated Dixon , Turpin , Bassey and Conteh by winning a world boxing title .
2 In the stroboscopic view , the giant pistons were the only things moving — until a figure detached itself from the wall , its grey colour exactly that of the background steel .
3 It was then that a familiar figure detached itself from the shadows of the trees and moved out into the dim orange light of one of the streetlamps .
4 One of the undulating shapes detached itself from the wall and advanced towards the shining executioner as though blind to its danger .
5 After a while Harbury and Linda detached themselves from a group and carried their drinks over to join Rain .
6 Lucenzo detached himself from the crowd and ran up the stairs two at a time , seeing that she 'd frozen .
7 While Fleury and Harry exchanged a glance of shock and bewilderment at the unfortunate turn the tea party had suddenly taken , an effervescent mass detached itself from one of her breasts , which was revealed to be the shape of a plump carp , then from one of her diamond knee-caps , then an ebony avalanche thundered from her spine down over her buttocks , then from some other part of her .
8 Though the latter was at this time a much celebrated amateur artist he was surprised , on arriving , when Minton detached himself from the crowd he was talking with in order to cross the room and greet Cornish by name .
9 To her amusement , two black-cloaked figures in full face masks and tricorn hats detached themselves from a group on a parapet and arranged themselves in exaggerated attitudes of extreme sorrow , one studying a rose , the other a silver mirror .
10 Mavis detached herself from the group and looked as though she thought she probably ought to be making an effort to take charge .
11 Finally Alain detached himself from Claudine 's clinging hands and turned to the house , collecting Jenna with a very hard hand on her arm .
12 Irish Tom detached himself from the group of workmen and swaggered , grinning , along the corridor .
13 And it was the conceptual element of Cubism that enabled the painters at various times to detach themselves from visual appearances without losing touch with the material world around them .
14 She noticed the card , noticed me with widening eyes , and in a short while detached herself from the owners and stood and waited .
15 Then one end of a crate detached itself from the crates and began to steal away , edging slowly round in a half circle .
16 The flare sank lower ; was , he guessed , down to about thirty seconds , when one of the black figures detached itself from the shadows .
17 789 ( CS 262 : S 1183 ) , but whether Lindsey detached itself from Mercian control in 757–8 and , if so , how long an interval elapsed before Offa reasserted himself is unknown .
18 Two vaguely serpentine exters detached themselves from the group .
19 One waxed jacket detaches himself from the group and approaches a lone drinker across the bar .
20 Wynne-Jones detached himself from the supporting arm and came over to Tallis .
21 Edward was hobbling to a Humber and the little man detached himself from it and came to him .
22 As Middlemass ( 1979 , p. 445 ) puts it : ‘ As in 1944–45 , employers and managers in a sense detached themselves from the dangerous appeal to the nation , over the heads of the nine million voters who were also affiliated to the TUC ’ .
23 He is not committed , by his education , to rejecting or despising the community in which he was brought up ; but he should be given the means in some sense to detach himself from it .
24 As she drew closer , a burly , red-faced police sergeant detached himself from the crowd and moved towards her , notebook in hand .
25 After a few minutes one of the men detached himself from the group and walked after Fred at a smart pace .
26 When Manfro detached himself from the other men and came to walk by her side , Topaz glared at him .
27 We have never had the problem of the children detaching themselves from us .
28 Simply expressed , in a situation in which voters detach themselves from a close identification with parties then issues come to assume a greater significance in voting behaviour and electoral choice .
29 The Station Chief detached himself from the group .
30 India detached itself from Africa and set off across what is now called the Indian Ocean , eventually to crunch into south Asia and raise the Himalayas .
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