Example sentences of "[noun] preside over the " in BNC.

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1 Sun and scenery contribute to Vorarlberg 's family appeal ( top ) , while a giant Suchard cow presides over the chocolate festival ( left )
2 Dalrymple presided over the halcyon days of ‘ c'moan or get aff ’ until his retiral in 1926 , and Dalrymple 's days saw the expansion of the system to 100 miles of track and an annual profit , together with a yearly 300 MILLION passengers , not all on the one tram of course .
3 None the less , the President presides over the Conseil des Ministres ( the Cabinet ) and is responsible for determining the main outlines of policy while reserving certain areas almost exclusively for himself ( especially defence and foreign policy ) .
4 The salesman and Hank , however , seemed to have reached some agreement and strolled towards the office , where fat old Josh presided over the financing section with the careful rapacity of a born moneylender .
5 During their stay the Juan Carlos and Salinas presided over the signature of a five-year treaty of friendship and co-operation in the context of which Spain was to provide aid to Mexico of 4,400 million pesetas ( about US$40,000,000 at current exchange rates ) over five years in the form of credits and investment in the private sector .
6 As acting President Frederick Gilby presided over the BDDA 's first post-war Congress , held in Glasgow in 1920 , where Ernest Ayliffe was elected as the next President of the Association .
7 Dennis presides over the walled garden , which supplies the kitchens at Highgrove and Kensington Palace and grows all the weird and wonderful varieties that the Prince acquires and delights in surprising his guests with .
8 The chairman Mr. Liam Curran invited Mr. Andy Heffernan , the President of the IBOA to preside over the meeting .
9 Away from the madding crowds the Sarsfields clubman is to be found down on the 100 acre family farm in Ballyuan presiding over the sheep and cattle .
10 In place of the major role which workers were demanding in running the factories , Lenin presided over the centralization of economic power and the establishment of managerial structures divorced from the rank and file .
11 The hour of Britain 's total defeat was at hand , and Winston Churchill would soon abandon England to preside over the ruins from the safety of his Canadian dominion .
12 NIGEL Lawson , who as Chancellor presided over the property boom and bust , has finally sold his home after two years on the market .
13 The Basque separatist organization ETA claimed responsibility on March 13 for sending five parcel bombs ( one addressed to the Interior Minister ) , one of which seriously wounded Fernando de Mateo Lage , the judge presiding over the Audienca Nacional ( the court charged with handling terrorism cases ) , when it exploded in his hands in Madrid on Feb. 27 .
14 When CNN reported on Nov. 8 that it had obtained tapes of his telephone calls , Noriega 's chief lawyer , Frank Rubino , successfully petitioned District Judge William Hoeveler ( the judge presiding over the case ) for an injunction prohibiting the network from broadcasting any material which violated the confidentiality of the attorney-client relationship .
15 A seven-member collective leadership of three Muslims , two Croats and two Serbs presided over the republic .
16 Lord Justice Butler-Sloss presided over the Cleveland inquiry into child abuse .
17 Mrs Tiller presided over the one in Blackpool while he was at the grander one in Addlestone , Surrey , to which , when the Girls were playing in London , he would invite small groups for a short weekend .
18 In his old age , Banks presided over the destruction of these fens , supporting the drainage projects of John Rennie , according to The Farmer 's Magazine of February 1807 , against ‘ a party of uninformed people , headed by a little parson and a magistrate ’ .
19 Twiceover Micky will be there , for I know he likes it , leaving it until tomorrow night to preside over the first night of The Hamburg Ballet , one of the great ballet companies of the world , which he has sold his soul and what else only his God knows to cajole to Belfast , its first-ever visit to these islands .
20 The cosmic gods presided over the forces of nature in the great natural powers of sun , moon , earth , sky , air and water .
21 Before managing the Los Angeles Museum of Contemporary Art and Palazzo Grassi in Venice , the Swedish scholar presided over the fortunes of the Pompidou Centre , where he pioneered the multi-disciplinary approach and the concept of architectural flexibility .
22 On July 16 Fulimori presided over the inauguration of the first " urban militia " , modelled on the rural rondas campesinas or " peasant patrols " [ see pp. 38188 ; 38284 ] .
23 After the disruptions of 1792-9 Rey presided over the artistic re-establishment of the Opéra .
24 Following the great betrayal of 1882 , when Gladstone presided over the annexation of Egypt , they could not even rely on the Liberal party to resist the imperialist tide .
25 Reassurance is another matter , except at the level where all great art reassures ; for a spirit of slippage presides over The Possessed .
26 The meal was hardly over when Mr Heath flew to Sunningdale by helicopter to preside over the last stage of the conference on the future of Northern Ireland .
27 Two years later he became Leader of the House of Commons , and for the last two years of the Labour government presided over the empire of the Department of Health and Social Services .
28 Two very old ladies presided over the tea and coffee pots ; they were the oldest members of the League , having travelled out to Tollemarche district with their parents in covered wagons before the town itself existed .
29 Above all , Reitern presided over the abolition of tax farming .
30 Throughout his long reign , Sobhuza presided over the transformation of his country from British protectorate to independent statehood within the Commonwealth .
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