Example sentences of "[noun] [vb past] handed over " in BNC.

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1 On Nov. 18 it was reported that Chadian National Front ( FNT ) fighters had handed over their weapons to the Sudanese authorities on the border under a reconciliation agreement with the Déby government .
2 Not only would The Silmarillion have to achieve the ‘ depth ’ it had already been used to create , it would have to do so without contradicting , and while if possible reinforcing , all the millions of details Tolkien had handed over to his readership already .
3 All the same , he was in no doubt that Matthew Glynn had handed over the contents of the cardboard box to Swayne with a view to some sort of deal .
4 They were speaking minutes after Greenwich mayor Brian O'Sullivan had handed over the safety certificate to Charlton chairman Roger Alwen .
5 To counteract that feeling , and while he propped her ‘ injured ’ foot on a stool and attended to her bruising , she opened her bag and extracted from it the envelope with Cara had handed over to her .
6 The Independent of Nov. 15 had meanwhile published details of internal UN documents which seemed to suggest that a UN official had handed over to the Moroccan government information supplied in confidence by the Polisario Front .
7 In the Potteries a prosperous general dealer in china and earthenware had handed over his business to his sons , who subsequently let the business collapse : his grandson remembered him ‘ sitting in the sunshine … just below the house which was once his own. , More successful in his retirement was a London coal merchant who provides the single instance of the complete change of life and place which today is a widespread ideal for retirement .
8 A Le Monde report of Feb. 12 had cited refugee sources in Kenya to the effect that ex-President Barre had handed over arms to the SPM in the south .
9 The fact that John had handed over the reins of power to Miss Doris and Mr Smith seemed a great honour but his stipulation that they should keep and maintain the name and reputation of the business so long as it was possible to do so proved a massive task for them in later years .
10 Her mother had handed over most of her fortune of £50,000 to Rotha and this was used to fund the organization .
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