Example sentences of "where [art] " in BNC.

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1 It described where the prisoners were held : ; the people of Tazmamert appear to be hardly aware of it or too frightened to talk about it .
2 The police had been asked by the organizers of the vigil to provide protection after an incident earlier in the evening when about 200 suspicious-looking men appeared outside the house where the vigil was being held .
3 It is an additional pleasure to recognise his prophetic power of divining where the best art was to be found .
4 He starts at a medieval Gothic window , a remnant of the first university in central Europe ( founded 1348 ) ; he pauses at the rebuilt Bethlehem Chapel , the site of where the Mass was first allowed in Czech , and Jan Hus preached before being burnt for heresy in 1413 ; he pays respects to the relics of the Jewish quarter with its ancient and crowded graveyard ; to cross the river he uses the Charles Bridge , lined with Baroque statues ( many between 1700 and 1720 ) , and climbs the hill to the Castle where art and architecture of all periods again further embellish the golden city of central Europe .
5 In sum , then , the monograph is a major site for art critical writing , and , moreover , the place where the most extended criticism is likely to appear .
6 The curator 's nightmare is somewhere like the Smithsonian Institution in Washington , where the number of items is like grains of sand on the sea shore .
7 The museum is also the place where the closest consideration can be given to the troublesome problems of fakes and other forms of inauthenticity .
8 One source of interest can be a description of where the interview has taken place , perhaps a studio , or maybe the artist 's home .
9 Exhibiting societies , once established , bred rivals ; the most remarkable rivalry in the nineteenth century was in Paris , where the choice of pictures for the Salon in 1866 was so generally considered to be unfair that the rejected pictures were shown in a Salon of their own .
10 On a patch where the rough surface of brickwork was exposed , someone had vomited , probably a passing drunk whose sense of propriety , demanding privacy , had deterred him from being sick in the street ; or a returning resident who could not wait to climb the few steps to the communal toilet on the first half-landing .
11 At the end of the corridor which he describes , before you get to the rubbish , is the place where the young make love .
12 Much of this material — this archaic London , the Hawksmoor churches , their magical meaning , and the tramps who haunt them — comes from the striking poem Lud Heat by Iain Sinclair , where the churches are taken to be geometrically interrelated in the form of a pentacle , the sorcerer 's five-pointed star .
13 What is required is a poetry which does not analyse or criticise , and is suitable for throngs and parades : we are in a situation where the self-portraits of the lyric author can be displayed like placards .
14 In the courtyard where the Emperor s retinue awaited him , there were tens , no , I say it without exaggeration , hundreds eager to push their faces forward .
15 The later books are in large measure accurately described , and the experience of the assimilated Jew in Italy , where the Jews came to harm under Mussolini but where they were never the strangers they have been in several other countries , is summarised in a well-informed and pertinent fashion .
16 The kids are presented as decent and thoughtful , and there 's an Arcadian absence of the stress and violence which some might look for in a class where the teacher swears and free-associates , and throws up and bunks off into the bargain .
17 I kept walking , past the old mill , right up around the bend to where the council property starts , and I thought , oh , shit , council houses .
18 The range is obviously very wide , and you may find yourself in a Greek tragedy , or even a modern ‘ exercise ’ play such as Games by James Saunders , where the student may add to the text by research material which can be incorporated in the project .
19 As will be seen in the next chapter , when the republican wing under de Valera took over as the Fianna Fáil party in the 1930s , constitutional law was restructured , according to both a reformed republican ideology and current Roman social teaching , and in those areas where the high clergy thought it necessary .
20 The real question , wrote Harsnet , is where the short run ends and the long run begins , since in the long run long and short are also without meaning .
21 When barley is harvested it is taken to a maltings where the grains are soaked in water to encourage germination .
22 Hops being fed into the copper where the sweet wort is boiled vigorously and the vital oils are extracted from the hops
24 One such example is the Grade II Pen and Parchment on Bridgefoot in Stratford-upon-Avon , where the barn at the back of the pub was used as a theatre throughout the 18th century .
25 It also requires the experience gained from having operated the facilities to understand where the pitfalls are and how they can be avoided .
26 Efficient stocktaking is a key element in controlling these prices and expenditure — and that 's where the Psion Organiser comes in .
27 In the event it took the two of them , scrambling and sliding downwards beside each other , faces to the rocks , only some five or six minutes to reach the spot where the railing which Sven Hjerson had noticed further along had in fact stopped the couple 's fall .
28 But by the time he had gathered up her handbag and Lord Woodleigh 's camera , which had come to rest nearby , she was able slowly to make her way with them to the nearest point where the accident could be reported .
29 Mr Eames was just getting up , convinced that juniors and upstarts were usurping the stage and it was time for him to be where the action was , when he was interrupted by the bell .
30 They focus not on areas of need but on areas where they want to be seen to be giving , and that 's usually where the spotlight happens for the moment to be falling .
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