Example sentences of "put up " in BNC.

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1 You put up this front to protect yourself .
2 The Republicans put up candidates in about half the constituencies and their overall share of the vote stayed low at 2.3 per cent .
3 I put up an entirely illegal barbed wire fence .
4 Bournville and New Earswick were followed by other estates put up by Industrial Housing Associations such as Lever Brothers at Port Sunlight , and many more recent ones , to the present number of about fifty-four .
5 Since the beginning of the modernist theological era , she had not even had the once-yearly chore of taking her urn and collecting up the incense and imprecations put up , however formalistically , for her own feast day .
6 We put up with the buckets to catch the drips in the dressing-room at Taunton in order to enjoy the wisteria round the door of the George at Bewley . ’
7 Do you know , in the first World War , when he was Commander-in-Chief , they put up wooden statues of him in all the towns and you could pay and hammer a nail in it !
8 Warnie paid the cash deposit of £300 , and raised a mortgage of £500 , Minto 's trustees put up a mortgage of £1,500 and Jack raised a mortgage of £1,000 .
9 APIVOTAL £21million stake in besieged merchant bank Morgan Grenfell was yesterday put up for auction by Hanson as talks which could have heralded a Morgan-BZW merger broke down .
10 Put up or shut up !
11 Their finished works , scarcely dry , were then put up for sale , promoted , sometimes bought .
12 The People 's Militia has been busy ripping down posters put up by the Civic Forum in factories and elsewhere .
13 The People 's Militia has indeed been busy ripping down posters put up by the Civic Forum in factories and elsewhere .
14 Concentrating on maintaining a foothold on rocks worn smooth by winter torrents , I put up a startled grouse that exploded into flight .
15 When the champion hurdler , Beech Road , and Morley Street won at Cheltenham ten days ago it was hard to say which put up the better performance and which would be the stable 's first choice for the Champion Hurdle should both be trained for the race .
16 Teddington had to give up Laslett and Barker to England but put up a spirited performance against the national side .
17 It 's not usual to make new partners put up a lot of cash . ’
18 This time round , how patiently will touchy Poles put up with working to German standards for German bosses in German-owned firms ?
19 I put up for sale the service areas on new long leases , retaining some controls only to ensure that the areas were safe stopping places for motorway travellers .
20 Put up a detailed proposal for consideration when we get back , and we 'll see if they buy the specifics . ’
21 It would not have mattered so much if the experiments described all held water , but when ( as we were encouraged to do ) I put up my hand and ventured that one experiment was not consistent , the lecturer acknowledged that this was so in the particular I questioned , but said that the results were usually found to be as would have been expected .
23 Lew Grade and his successors put up with them , because the regulators did not prevent the companies making a profit .
24 Probably these seemingly unintelligent mares were unable to find shelter in such weather when they were young , and now as older horses they put up with such conditions out of habit — a habit that is not conducive to the best health of the horse .
25 We put up 6m muffle boards two-thirds of the way back , erected a four-row tiered seating block in front of them and built a 24m by 11m stage at the front .
26 We ought not to admire them when they put up their fists and fight nor mock them when they are afraid and tell them they must be a man .
27 Owners , Tremayne had said , either loved or hated Sam 's manner : the women loved it , the men put up with it in exchange for winners .
28 Nothing better illustrates the change in English religious life produced by the nineteenth century than the proximity of the Wesleyans ' new Central Hall to the Anglicans ' new Church House ( put up between 1891 and 1902 ) and the Roman Catholics ' Westminster Cathedral further down Victoria Street .
29 ‘ The cells are luxurious compared to some of the things we put up with in the Army , ’ said one staff member during a Press tour of the jail .
30 Union leaders put up 90 per cent of the funding but have played little public part in Labour 's campaign .
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