Example sentences of "more than " in BNC.

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1 At the present rate of referral , numbers are more than set to double during the year .
2 The certificate on form R190(SD) must be completed but this can be done at any time and amounts to little more than a claim procedure .
3 It is now more than ever clear that every section of society needs to be involved in responding to AIDS , including the churches .
4 To outsiders , the two events may seem little more than an international organization at work , but for Amnesty members these events are charged with significance .
5 Also , attorneys may be putting themselves up for huge amounts of emotional strain , knowing that their clients stand to lose more than their liberty .
6 An art critic also needs a gift for persuasion , perhaps rather more than a head for exposition and argument .
7 Natural and more than natural , beautiful and more than beautiful , strange and endowed with an impulsive life like the soul of its creator …
8 Natural and more than natural , beautiful and more than beautiful , strange and endowed with an impulsive life like the soul of its creator …
9 Some rankings have more than the approval of the author of a guide , and are attested by other authorities , local or even national .
10 Private letters are like a conversation overheard , often more revealing than an autobiography , or than a diary which may have been written with more than half an intention of allowing it to be published .
11 It is said to have been the biggest women 's gathering since suffrage days , a little more than half a century before …
12 More than that , it was ‘ one of the most important classical art forgeries ever discovered ’ .
13 Some trial and error should eliminate the laziest papers , whose critics do no more than pillage catalogue introductions , or even press releases .
14 If so , the power of critics may be no more than the listings services offered in the papers or on posters , while real power can be found in the organisation of the art market .
15 The reader of a description needs therefore to be careful about accepting as a description anything more than is actually visible on the canvas or in the sculpture .
16 The island 's public affairs and significant politics can occasionally be seen , out of the corner of an eye , to be no less invaded by contingency and incomprehensibility and futility than the life and times of Jimmy Ahmed , to have the status of rumour , to be little more than a remote and indecipherable response to a random outbreak of violence .
17 But the fit of jealousy in which he beats her would appear to mean something more than these words of explanation enable one to understand .
18 The child , possessed by wonder and nameless hauntings , tried to join together the heavings and creakings and groans and gasps and little cries he had heard as he lay on the floor , his mother 's disturbed concentration now , his father 's stillness as if felled , and the sticky warmth in which he lay between them , something more than the sweat that was there before , a substance he divined as elemental , mysterious , newly decanted , that touched his flesh and his senses with profound , unattainable meaning .
19 In pretending here to be someone other than himself who keeps murdering people , he does a tremendous job : this is a more than serviceable argot for the age in question and for the wizard in question .
20 It plays with such ideas , to a Shavian pitch of exaggeration : but it is not a novel of ideas , any more than it is a heartless game .
21 The second story is set in and around a country hotel , where the wife of a coarse doctor takes a more than kindly interest in a Klima wide-awake to the sights and sounds of this paradise .
22 It should not persuade us that this writer has yielded or sold out , any more than it should persuade us that the boy poet Klima is in every sense the boy poet Jaromil .
23 But she was also , among other literary things , the wonderful and baleful orphan or isolate who is seen to advantage in the books she read : and it may be that cultural history is especially worth attending to in cases such as hers , where the subject is a dedicated reader , and the basis for a directly psychological account is even more than usually insecure .
24 Fairly early in Take a girl like you , Patrick delivers himself of an unqualified condemnation of women , which is followed by a sentence from the narrator concerning and presumably condemning Patrick 's attitude to Jenny at that stage , as a girl to be taken and left : ‘ He wanted more than his share of her before anybody else had any . ’
25 There may be a matter of principle here for some of those who wish their authors to be concealed : such authors should not sound like the characters they invent , any more than they should express opinions .
26 It is a distinction which may in the end prove more suggestive than serviceable : the author who tells , and who can be accounted something of a ventriloquist , may well , for instance , be more than capable of carnival , and may even be every bit as plural in his works as his dialogic counterpart .
27 Roth has left off with his mythologising fury — and his memoir lets us know that the benefits that come to the writer who tries , or even seems , to stick to the facts may amount to something more than those of hindsight .
28 There is more than a hint of the search for the philosopher 's stone .
29 Levi 's paints actually manage to come to life as human beings in The Wrench , a less fanciful book which nevertheless claims that ‘ paints resemble us more than they do bricks .
30 This kind of thing has been said about Hamlet , to whom , as I say , Kelman alludes , and more than alludes .
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