Example sentences of "over long " in BNC.

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1 Yet whatever the prospects of peace on the city 's streets , the battle set to be staged in Oakland 's Coliseum in games one and two of the World Series have already been fought over long and hard in bar rooms and news rooms on either side of the Bay .
2 For a while , my route flirted with the border and after some easy going across the Severn Valley , I took to the hills again , following a roman road over Long Mountain .
3 The songs of the whales carry through the water , over long distances with astonishing clarity , and were heard clearly through the wooden hulls of the old whaling ships in calm weather , giving rise to the belief that the sounds were the songs of mermaids .
4 Their bodies are streamlined for maximum efficiency in moving through water , and they have evolved a highly sophisticated sonar system to communicate and receive information through water and over long distances .
5 He thinks that when he goes on to test the device in human patients , it should prove successful over long periods .
6 stable over long periods when sweatily enclosed in plastic bags
7 I finally spotted a young man and a girl dressed as she 'd said she would be in shalwar kameez , a short tunic over long trousers , the traditional Muslim attire ; a cool white scarf around her head and a long coat , and luckily it was Yasmin .
8 It has also been clear in his methods of training orchestras over long periods of time .
9 A greater degree of regional self-sufficiency in many basic food-stuffs , especially milk and meat could be encouraged in order to avoid the mounting costs of transporting such commodities over long distances which is now common .
10 They saw a large part of their task as negotiating with and between carers and handicapped people — often painstakingly and over long periods — in order to gain a commitment to and an acceptance of a change in lifestyle .
11 Wind also has a profound effect on plant growth in the Western Isles in that is usually salt-laden , particularly when it has come from the west or south-west , having passed over long distances of wave-tom ocean .
12 Thus even bottom-dwelling molluscs can be dispersed widely over long distances , and are quick to colonize vacant sites that appear in the ocean ( new volcanic islands like Surtsey , for example ) .
13 The boilers to raise the necessary steam were of ‘ Lancashire ’ type , the characteristics of which enable a small amount of steam to be supplied over long periods with a minimum of attention , which was the type of duty envisaged for this plant .
14 I got a bit carried away with Martha and dallied in the Arran Heritage centre over long — ‘ Everyone wants to know about the past and it is too late . ’
15 The ability to communicate cheaply over long distances will reduce the need for workers to commute to offices .
16 By contrast , the norm for curriculum change is for it to occur piecemeal and gradually over long periods .
17 Does it never occur to us that our lone position in this respect , over long years , may be the common factor in the long story of our economic decline ?
18 Sometimes , when one meteorite is discovered another may be visible nearby , but much more commonly four searchers may ride abreast over long stretches of blue ice and drifting snow before anyone sees a meteorite .
19 An optical fibre uses total internal reflection to carry a light beam over long distance and around corners .
20 Obviously this puts up the system cost over long distances .
21 I do wonder if some of these are in fact the wild plum rather than Myrobalan , and I marvel that in summer we hardly notice any plum-like shrubs where we now see them so dominant over long stretches of banks .
22 The Safrane is hushed and comfortable over long distances .
23 In other words , they are ‘ better designed ’ not simply by chance ( which would be the case if a large single-step mutation occurred ) , but by the accumulation of myriads of single-step mutations aided , over long periods of time , by the natural weeding-out process of those species less successfully adapted for long-term survival .
24 These low potencies were often given over long periods , and frequently mixtures of different remedies were used .
25 The variations in fortunes thus produced saw changes in the county 's position relative to the rest of England over long periods ; more immediately , there was often a considerable contrast between wealth and poverty in different parts of the area .
26 Anomalous aspects of nature often venerated by ritual over long periods of time become charged with the directed mental/ psychic energy of their race .
27 Its organization was similar in that it was controlled by persons of relatively high social status , that ransoming was a major source of profit , and that the transporting of animals over long distances was usual when a payment was not forthcoming .
28 Not only is the method not scientific but , to the extent that Marx did make certain historical prophecies which can be related to empirical evidence over long periods of time , these can be examined and by and large they have not proved to be valid .
29 After all , the transportation of such huge and heavy slabs of rock , often over long distances , must have required an incredible investment of effort on the part of any society possessing only rudimentary technology .
30 He puts it where he wants it , and over long distances as well .
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