Example sentences of "down some " in BNC.

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1 If you start writing down some of the responses to that question , you will find you have along the way acquired a ragbag of elements that will have an important bearing on the design .
2 He edged down some unsafe planking in the harbour to poke his hand into the ocean and recoiled with the cold of it .
3 ’ ( ‘ Outside ’ was quite a sumptuous place in its little way ; a good walk from the house , along a winding path between yew and box trees and down some artistically rounded white steps , to a trellised porch with chequered black and red tiled floor , where an escort might wait on a dark night .
4 It 's home , and the film centre and restaurant are his rather grand way of putting down some roots .
5 When you next write to me , please try to jot down some details about yourself which might assist me to help you .
6 This is quite enough until lunchtime when you might hunt down some dim sum , steamed pork buns and the like for $1-$2 a basket in the local Chinatown , or hit the deli for another American institution , the sandwich .
7 At one time , whilst working in his study , the top shelf broke and showered down some very weighty volumes landing either side of him .
8 Genscher 's remarks about ‘ one German nation ’ may send shivers down some people 's spines , but what is objectionable is not so much the reference to the German nation but the implied moral equivalence between East and West Germany .
9 ‘ Do you want to go and sit down some place ? ’
10 Though the moguls had gone , there were still plenty of people left from the old school to lay down some pretty awful accusations .
11 But , as he always found room in his life for north Oxfordshire and his family , he also enjoyed setting down some of his local preoccupations and irritations .
12 Apart from finding globules of mercury in people 's shoes , a contemporary commentator , and opponent of this form of treatment , describes two men who used the same tavern regularly and both having supped from their little bottles of mercury would smoke a pipe and down some wine .
13 He sets down some , though not all , of the medical criteria for determining sex , and resolves that these criteria , while relevant , ‘ do not necessarily decide the legal basis of sex determination ’ .
14 By asking : ‘ What is the subordinate 's reward ( or payoff ) for acting that way ? ’ you can begin to pin down some possible factors behind the behaviour .
15 Take in every little movement they make , watch how they immediately gulp down some items of food , when at other times they will suck and blow it out several times before consuming it .
16 That he had been down some time , and that there were a Nest of them at Alfoxden House who were protected by a Mr Poole a Tanner of this Town . ’
17 Parliament has even laid down some rules for controlling the meetings of local authorities .
18 But these people had been shot down some months ago and as the Feldwebel had told me that this was only a transit camp I knew that I was not likely to meet them here .
19 Before reading through these suggestions you might like to jot down some of your own ideas , or to discuss possible explanations with colleagues .
20 He would go down into the cellar tomorrow and put down some rat poison .
21 ONE OF the doughty pack leaders to emerge in the late 1940's from the Manchester scrum of ‘ palaeomagnetists ’ was S , Keith Runcorn — a former Cambridge engineer with an almost unhealthy liking for the rough and tumble of the rugby field , Keith Runcorn is now professor of physics , and geophysics supremo , at the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne — and incidentally the president of the university 's rugby club , To honour Runcorn 's reaching the age of 60 , the university organised earlier this month a three-day conference on ‘ Magnetism , planetary rotation and convection in the Solar System ’ , Since the Second World War , geology has undergone conceptual upheavals as never before , The apparently ludicrous ideas proposed by Alfred Wegener in the 1920s , that the Earth 's continents were drifting around , have found solid ground , The evidence came from physicists inspired by wartime work on radar , by cosmic-ray research and the discovery that some rotating stars have a magnetic field , The physicists set themselves the task of measuring whether rotating bodies on Earth also produce magnetic fields , The eminent Patrick Maynard Blackett devised a highly sensitive magnetometer for this work , but finding that a spinning gold cylinder produced no magnetic field , turned his machine to measuring rock magnetism , A school of expertise concerned with ‘ fossilised magnetism ’ developed around him at Manchester and later at Imperial College , London , The fruits of such work inspired a reappraisal of continental drift and new theories to explain the mechanisms responsible for moving the continents , and later produced the foundations on which were forged the unifying concepts of plate tectonics and seafloor spreading , Runcorn applies an enormous enthusiasm to all that he takes on — as many past students and editors of various science journals can testify , His first notoriety came with his attempts to determine whether the Earth 's general magnetic field was related to the planet 's rotation , or related to some deep-seated phenomenon , To determine this he took his magnetometer down some of the deep Lancashire coal pits .
22 Determined to delve deeper into the matter , the DFG , one of the major channels for state funds for research which distributes DM 900 million ( £200 million ) annually for all subjects , has asked some of Germany 's top researchers to review their own areas and try to pin down some of the problems .
23 This served two purposes , firstly the importance of the problems was diminished when they were written down ( even the most depressed person could not resist a smile when they wrote down some of their worries — somehow they looked silly on paper ) and , secondly , it enabled them to delete items on the list when the problems were solved , thereby proving that most problems were capable of being solved .
24 The trailing-link mainwheels hang down some fourteen inches in flight .
25 Now write down some affirmations , using your list of ‘ faults ’ :
26 The use of medical terminology in the book is to be applauded , particularly as definitions are given , which it is to be hoped , will assist in breaking down some barriers between health professionals and the lay public .
27 Inside the pump-house there was little more to do , but they smashed the transformer oil pipes with sledge-hammers and threw down some tar baby incendiaries .
28 I want to take down some dado and picture rails .
29 Write down some things you do that may get in the way of a good relationship and that you could improve .
30 When he jumped down some twenty minutes later , I found he had chewed away a large portion of my cashmere sweater .
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