Example sentences of "down these " in BNC.

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1 An author is taking his revenge in setting down these judgements , begrudging the grudges of others — while uttering , this once , the cry of the deserted child .
2 For thousands of years the ocean had worked at the chalk cliffs and eventually brought down these trees , and because the place was so isolated and difficult to reach , the branches had escaped use as firewood .
3 Before proceeding down these lines managers should evaluate not only the technical efficiency of such systems but , more importantly , the underlying management questions outlined in this chapter .
4 Write down these three , or up to seven , ideas .
5 It is down these channels that the salmon run , making for the sea whilst trying to avoid becoming stranded .
6 Ants lay down these chemical markers on the road to a food supply so that they and their fellows may know where to go .
7 It was always considered necessary for a man to shoulder the main burden of work at a farm the size of ours , and I suppose the main reason why the place is a bit run down these days is because there was no man left to take over when Uncle died .
8 Synthetic ceramides stick down these rough bits .
9 Perhaps , above all , the way to pull down these strongholds is by telling people about Jesus .
10 The use of a suitable media in a filter , encourages bacteria to fix to its surface where they break down these nasties as the water is pumped or passed over them .
11 Once she had skittled up and down these steps without a second thought .
12 The aim of Kundalini Yoga is to intercept the normal oscillation of polarized life-energy by the practice of controlled breathing , and to close down these two channels forcing the life-energy into the Brahma Nadi , the hair-thin central duct situated within the Sushumna Kundalini .
13 In some instances it is possible to break down these rates further by motive or other circumstances .
14 Half-way down these walls , one of which backed onto the bathroom , slightly below waist-height there was a wide slate slab on which the pig used to be salted to preserve it through the winter .
15 Although we can specify types of people , e.g. computer scientists , typographers , editors , publishers , and more generally scientists versus humanists , much of the current technology breaks down these specializations .
16 ‘ Write down these figures , ’ the father said , reading from his bit of paper .
17 It was amazing to see him walking up and down these almost vertical branches without the slightest trouble .
18 As a layer of gravel will be put into the base of the jar to help weight it down these slots should be just above this layer otherwise a strong powerhead could pull it into the pipe and block it .
19 ‘ My method was to write down these observations as soon as possible after hearing or observing them .
20 A simple signature is fine , and then I , when I 'm satisfied that I have seen that work in your file done in the way you say you 've done it , I will sign the teacher column on your sheet Okay , let's start going down these six sections .
21 As heat continues to be produced in the core , so air in the loft flows down these flues , drawn by the coolness of the cellar beneath .
22 But the Marquess of Exeter ( as the Cecils had become in 1801 ) pulled down these hovels instantly , and prosecuted the squatters .
23 And I hope you have n't gone to any trouble cooking for me because I can barely keep owt down these days , not after t'hospital , me appetite quite sickened away on me wi' the things they serve up — greasy bits o' beef skirt and nasty little salads wi' half a two-week old egg and a few outside leaves o' lettuce and a bit o' wet beetroot , no , it was an effort getting it down , let alone keeping it down — I can tell you , there was many as could n't , eggs from t'infernal regions we got for us breakfast as often as not , right stink bombs , but could you get any o' them nurses to have a sniff or give us another i'stead ?
24 Well , this is a problem we have basically because again , your your media etcetera is male dominated erm everything we come across in in our line is male dominated so we have got to break down these barriers and it is n't easy to do !
25 The author does not , however , break down these ninety-six years into shorter periods , so trends within the whole are not apparent .
26 The press played down these reverses , and they paled into insignificance when in spring 1943 word spread that a prisoner of-war camp was going to be set up on the outskirts of Fontanellato .
27 She went on : ‘ The image has obviously been watered down these last seasons and the situation must be reversed . ’
28 Try down these steps .
29 The Cloud-author would not dispute this but , whereas Julian and the others communicate their experience of the being of the transcendent God in the inner self by means of focus on the combination of literal and figurative truths revealed in the story of the Incarnation and Passion , he is so concerned with the reality of a God who can not be " known " by intellect or sense , that he plays down these " means " .
30 I 'm a very patient Chair , or what are perceived as cuts , not reductions in services , total decimation of services , if we actually go down these particular lines ,
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