Example sentences of "down [art] " in BNC.

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1 The increase was even felt to be too great : in 1964 , when British groups reached 212 , it was decided to slow down the growth in the UK — not to ‘ act upon the ephemeral enthusiasms of an odd individual ’ , but to go for quality .
2 Face rubbed against face , the taller ones squelching down the shorter ones , the darker ones overshadowing the lighter ones .
3 Then down the coast to St Louis in Senegal .
4 Two months after the Herling piece was published Levi committed suicide , throwing himself down the staircase of the house in Turin where he was born and grew up , where he wrote about his life in the camp at a desk which stood where his cradle had stood , a house he shared with his wife and mother .
5 He has dumped down the notes for a greyhound , has given his heart to the beast , and is derided for this by his friends in the pub .
6 The one-year course is only to lay down the foundations of good technical training — and it is widely recognised that the course simply pushes the student into the profession with enough practical experience to find his or her feet .
7 And suddenly I caught sight of this … prat sailing down the Cam back towards Cambridge in a punt , with a girl doing all the work , while he reclined at the exact angle , trying to play a chord and strum a tune …
8 An' if you mus ' know I like wearin' nice clothes an' I like the way boys look at me when I go down the schtreet an' I like to look sexy an' I like lipstick an' showin' meself off an' all that I enjoy it .
9 But , to his credit , de Valera toned down the catholicism in the drafts suggested to him by the clergy , consulted Rome , and was successful in getting it at least to be neutral about his preferred formulations ( Keogh 1987 : .
10 There has to be a time , wrote Harsnet , and Goldberg , laying down the pen , began to type again , there has to be a time when excuses are no longer necessary , will never again be necessary , there has to be such a time in everybody 's life , when too soon and too late no longer mean anything , a time , wrote Harsnet ( typed Goldberg ) , when one starts because one starts and for no other reason .
11 Though it has to be said , he wrote , and Goldberg , his eye racing down the page covered in his friend 's tiny handwriting , paused to sip from the glass of fresh orange-juice at his side , wiped his forehead and went on typing , it has to be said that I have occasionally had the illusion that I knew what step to take first and even , occasionally , what step to take second , I will not talk about a third .
12 Bless relaxes , he wrote , roll down the socks .
13 They try to ram down the throat of the public what the public quite rightly does not want .
14 There is a habit of running down the competition rather than extolling the virtues of their own ranges .
15 Only a handful of people , it had been established , had been near enough to the leading car of the funicular to have been able to give it the fatal extra push that had sent Woodleigh and Jilly Jonathan tumbling down the steep hillside .
16 He put down the empty tea cup with surprising force .
17 The two great detectives prowled up and down the village street dogged by the two official policemen .
18 ‘ Considering the Council is planning to close down the Library because you ca n't keep track of things properly . ’
19 ‘ Disloyal to letter boxes , ’ I said to myself and went down the passage where I could laugh without being heard .
20 I said yes , but filling all my early evenings with this would prove rather inconvenient on those occasions when I wanted to go out , so we agreed a system whereby I would do some of the work first thing in the morning and the rest of it just after I closed down the switchboard .
21 I ran down the pavement to get as far away from the hotel as I could , then I sat down in a doorway and continued crying .
22 The catering assistants started to wind down the evening 's proceedings , and Katrina and one of the other girls ( Bridget ) came out from around the back to tidy up the customer area .
23 Important parts of the overall design are the archway , halfway down the garden , and the arbour at the bottom .
24 Alternatively , peg down the trailing stems in the soil , and they will form roots , then individual new plants you can detach from the parent .
25 Never blow down the vents or the total energy and pitot heads because this can destroy the instruments .
26 As the glider slows down the braking should be reduced to avoid lifting the tail .
27 Even if the pilot is fully aware of being close to the stall , he will instinctively hold off until the glider stalls down the last few feet rather than fly into obstructions at speed .
28 In the standard recovery , the full opposite rudder is always applied first , and if it does slow down the rotation , the nose of the glider will automatically drop , helping to unstall the wings .
29 This slows down the towplane , leaving it at low speed below the glider and having its tail pulled up out of control .
30 She drove down the wide west London avenue .
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