Example sentences of "our [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 After our dour 3–0 defeat against Leech , we certainly had that carefree spirit in our midweek encounter with champions Gosling Celtic .
2 Our Friday debates tend to be of rather higher quality than some of our midweek debates and all hon. Members who have spoken so far — and , I am sure , those who will follow me — have spoken to a high standard and have contributed to a serious debate on this important issue .
3 ‘ It appears that the Conference endeavour to provide fixtures to suit the distance , and there are enough North West-based teams to give us most of our midweek games , ’ said Mr. Clapham .
4 The smell chemicals androstenol and androsterone are produced in our saliva , and also in that of pigs .
5 The repair would have taken us over our budget so we saw this as God 's way to close the door .
7 The fact is that plastic plants in the quantities needed will soon bust our budget , and bogwood , too , will cost too much , though I hope we can run to one large centrepiece .
8 Councillor Brian Dixon fumed : ‘ Paying all this money is just not on when we face spending cuts in our budget and have 270 homeless people .
9 But North West Thames health authority , which produced it , said : ‘ The cost was surplus from our budget and was never meant for patient care . ’
10 It was either t is or rebuild the barn , and our budget did n't run to barn renovation — even for our precious owls !
11 We realized this would be an appallingly large slice out of our budget , and certainly a piggish way to treat a boar .
12 By using our budget wisely , I have pioneered the signing of players with obviously limited ability , then groomed these novices , many of whom had never kicked a football before , into first team regulars .
13 Because I mean if we add all these together gents , I mean I pi I homed in on the number , on , on the people , because if you look at our budgets , staff costs are something like ninety percent of our budget
14 There are lots of things I 'd like to buy — such as organic food — but our budget just wo n't stretch that far . ’
15 ‘ It 's just that we 've learnt to pay more attention to what we 're doing and use our budget wisely . ’
16 Er we 're going to er get it drafted up and er we have some money in the , we have some money in our budget , for a gift , and it seems to me appropriate erm that the gift that we might make to Cheskevod is the s trading charter which we can get for the money that we 've budgeted er written by a calligrapher who I 've already contacted , who said that they can do it erm well , for that sort of price , in both English and Czech .
17 What Steve is saying r recommending to you is that we do n't take up that purchase this year , which is in our budget .
18 I hope that the dockyard will be in a position to make a significant contribution to the work in future — our budget provides for that .
19 But , even if one accepts those difficulties , the balance of advantage has lain in our continuing membership and in arguing from our position within the Community — from the ’ heart of Europe ’ to use the words of the Prime Minister — as my right hon. Friend the Member for Finchley ( Mrs. Thatcher ) did so successfully over our budget contribution .
20 The letter from Bedfordshire says : ’ our budget is based largely on an historically low number of unemployed people in the County . ’
21 He declared that " by squandering a quarter of our budget on military expenditure we have ruined the country " .
22 The objective in 1993 is to make our budget , which is achievable providing we stop scoring own goals as we have done in th Northern Area of Wimpey Asphalt and the Eastern Area of Wimpey Hobbs over the last two years .
23 Despite the economy in Australia being much th same as for our businesses in other parts of the world , we still managed to achieve our budget with over 500 lot sales .
24 ‘ It 's just that we 've learnt to pay more attention to what we 're doing and use our budget wisely . ’
25 Well my own view is subject of course to our budget .
26 So we are the only Committee who are saving the , that 's taking our budget globally as , I think , I think it 's four point eight percent , if you want to be pedantic about it , but we are planning and that 's the only ones , if you take that mode of view , and if we took , if we took training out
27 ‘ With our budget it would be a thin imitation of the Volksoper productions , Willi .
28 Particularly as we , we 've had a major issue in our budget proposals to do specifically on this , this , but I think if we have good practice in Shropshire , we should be sort of er , shouting it from the rooftops really , as this is very good practice .
29 I think it 's probably worth mentioning on that similar context following Mr 's comments about the false alarms , that the more successful we are at reducing those , the more that impacts on our budget because they take out for S S A , unlike road accidents .
30 I mean unfortunately the authority in days gone by has benefited from the scheme in the sense that the extra , extra money in service in truth , the revenue was there , erm , the chickens have come home to roost in the sense that it 's , the tables have turned the other way , and I mean , gone are the days where , when we 're least worried out that impact that , that , that much more of our er , of our budget .
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