Example sentences of "find [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 We found ourselves working very beautifully together , and we finished this play …
2 This we did , for in about an hour and a quarter from the time of our beginning the ascent , we found ourselves on the top of this dreadful precipice , and in possession of some very uncommon plants … ’
3 We found ourselves in the kitchen where a well-groomed girl was washing up - one of the tasks for which residents were responsible in this co-operative household .
4 Jim Crow laws dictated that we all sit up in the coloured balcony , so we followed Earl up the stairs of the separate entrance , located to the right of the box office , and found ourselves in the highest tier of the auditorium .
5 Apart from our regular rehearsals we often found ourselves at a loose end and would all troop round together .
6 As we slowly descended , the mist cleared a little , and we found ourselves amid sheep pastures … ’ wrote the late Louis Littman , a successful businessman , when he and his wife first saw Ashley Chase with a view to buying it .
7 And so it was that on the first Monday after New Year , about midnight , we found ourselves on an icy road in County Cavan heading for the checkpoint , having just driven up from Dun Laoghaire , where we had disembarked from the Holyhead ferry .
8 So we followed the sign , and with some amusement found ourselves confronting a huge mirror !
9 It was only towards the end of my time in Spain , when we were in Ciudad Rodrigo for the Festival Taurino , that we once , quite by accident , found ourselves in the 69 position and went through with it successfully .
10 Then I undressed her , and dressed her up in her own clothes , she acquiescent as a little child , talking all the time about the snowdrops , and how the days were beginning to draw out — and everything except people , and the circumstances in which we found ourselves .
11 Though we found ourselves asking whether the story was about faith or faithlessness , we were left in no doubt about Abraham 's stature at the end .
12 When , after that , we used to hear controversy about Dr Paisley and later heard about his imprisonment in 1966 , because of that afternoon when we heard the gospel preached with power and conviction , we found ourselves tending to take his side in the controversy .
13 In no time my colleagues and I found ourselves organizing not counselling sessions but darts matches in the local pub circuit .
14 We found ourselves lost , just as Masha and I had been when a sudden mist had descended on the lower slopes of the Wetterhorn .
15 Yet , as we turned off the Buxton Road into Ashford-in-the-Water , we found ourselves back on schedule and completely relaxed .
16 Not only was the conversation flowing more freely and loudly , we found ourselves serving out wine at a conspicuously increased rate .
17 Though the CPRS had drawn up an agenda in four parts , starting with our relationship with the external world , we soon found ourselves in the middle of a second reading debate over the whole field .
18 We suddenly found ourselves in the Turkish baths with a dozen nude men .
19 The Backs always attracted me , even in a winter fog , and we eventually found ourselves in King 's College Chapel for what I think must have been the very first of the annual carol concerts .
20 We were taken the few miles out to Wyton by RAF transport and in a short time , smiling falsely at each other and with our cumbersome parachutes bumping round our legs , we found ourselves walking out to the plane for our first flight .
21 We found ourselves uncharacteristically hesitant .
22 We caught a local bus to the town and found ourselves seated among chickens , fish and women chewing beetle nut .
23 We also found ourselves together in the middle of the LA riots — two days of mayhem without a cop in sight — so I guess that brought us closer together !
24 I had never spoken to anyone who used a wheelchair before , and we soon found ourselves immersed in a conversation about our mutual ‘ problems ’ .
25 In the political climate we found ourselves in , EOPs made sense and were interpreted in their widest sense as applying to attitudes , behaviour , recruitment , training — through to the content and manner in which we delivered our service to the public .
26 Ahmed : At the meeting , what made the most impact was the situation in which we found ourselves .
27 Yet , as we turned off the Buxton Road and into Ashford-in-the-Water , we found ourselves back on schedule and completely relaxed .
28 Mr Mellor said : ‘ We found ourselves devoid of water and unable to bath or do anything . ’
29 Some way along the journey , we inexplicably found ourselves in a Tesco car park in Derby .
30 Not much else is needed to prompt a visit than a map and some route descriptions , so thus it was that we found ourselves between the Vénéon and the Etançons on the campsite at La Bérade in August .
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