Example sentences of "way to " in BNC.

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1 Character and/or National styles of ballet can be linked in some ways to that of demi - caractère .
2 About the age of 6 he wrote a book called ‘ Ways to the City Bright by the Rev. A. M. Ramsey ’ .
3 ‘ You will add great distinction to the office in ways to which I could not aspire ; but I fear you will find a great deal of the work here work which does not really interest you . ’
4 I think I can say that during my career most of the things I 've decided ought to be done , I 've got done , but I 've done them in very different ways to other people and sometimes I 've been criticised for not going out and grabbing the headlines .
5 Coriander is now widely used in similar ways to parsley — as a garnish , or sparingly in meat dishes .
6 Pretty comfortable ways to while away the summer
7 I think I just put up with it because he behaved in such extraordinary ways to me in the time I had known him , of showing affection at all ?
8 Each contributed in different ways to the Watkinson counter-reformation that began soon after he took over as Minister of Defence in October 1959 .
9 There are safer ways to a safer world
10 The Christian view of life , death and afterlife as a continuum not only supplied a happy ending to the human story , but could also ‘ justify God 's ways to man ’ , in so far as the good man would be rewarded for a well-spent life , even if it seemed to have been dogged by misfortune .
11 Christians , having in the sixth century finally rejected the concept of reincarnation , were thrown back upon two main arguments justifying God 's ways to man , neither of which is altogether convincing .
12 British gardeners have sent us hundreds of their most original gardening tips , and this month 's 50 cash prize winners describe cool ways to water baskets and a tidy way to store canes .
13 This is a pity because one of the best ways to gauge body size is to stand naked in front of one and take a realistic look at yourself .
14 The gathering momentum of clericalism under the Carolingians can be seen from the fact that while Alcuin still addressed his learning in many ways to the laity , his pupil Hrabanus Maurus , abbot of Fulda , wrote the De Institutione Clericorum , a compendium of theology and law exclusively for the clergy .
15 At Play In The Fields Of The Lord ( 15 ) Hector Babenco 's lengthy ( over three hours ) but stunningly-wrought ecological tragedy , shot entirely on location in Amazonia , centres on a group of missionaries and a Cheyenne half-breed who set out in different ways to ‘ save ’ a tribe of rain-forest Indians but bring them only death , disease and destruction .
16 Adapted in their different ways to the dry and cold of the tundra , musk-ox and opposite-leaved saxifrage .
17 We are constantly searching for ways to better the nutritional quality of our menu , whilst retaining the characteristic taste and flavour of our food .
18 I 've never found that a congenial notion ; it seemed to me that there were ways to be quite contemporary and yet go at the art in a fashion that would allow you to tell complicated stories simply for the aesthetic pleasure of complexity of complication and unravelment , suspense , and the rest .
19 Drugs which act on the brain are comparable in many ways to any other drugs .
20 According to Moschion , who lived about the third century BC but wrote in the spirit of a century or two earlier , it was due to Time — ‘ the begetter and nurturer of all things ’ — that ‘ The earth , once barren , began to be ploughed by yoked oxen , towered cities arose , men built sheltering homes and turned their lives from savage ways to civilized . ’
21 Implicit throughout is that close intelligent analysis of practice , leading — potentially-in all kinds of ways to new insight , is the key to progress .
22 People react in different ways to odours , for example most people would probably describe rural odours or odour from a brewery , perfumery , or fish and chip shop as pleasant , but not all , some would find them unpleasant , pungent even , especially after being subjected to them for any length of time .
23 Similar in some ways to clairvoyance , but it mainly involves communicating with somebody else without using normal senses .
24 Thus the inversion maxima and minima along this central axis may be a reflection of a number of separate basement blocks responding in different ways to the stresses created by the inversion drive mechanism ( a combination of compression and strike-slip movement ) .
25 So if things are to be done quickly , an approach able to look without let or hindrance at problems , even the most deep-seated , is needed : to define them in the clearest terms : to suggest alternative ways to solutions : finally , to seek resources for those solutions .
26 Reports at the Second Annual Congress for Hybridoma Research in Philadelphia suggested ways to ‘ sanitise ’ the antibodies ' manufacture , making this more like a bench process with a reduced need to involve live animals — or even live humans .
27 Phosphorylcholine headgroups can be attached in a number of different ways to many surfaces , and large improvements in biocompatibility have been observed .
28 As a building , it stands in testimony to the skills and industry of those who contributed in so many ways to its design , construction and furnishing .
29 This would include putting a church in every housing estate so that members can speak to their neighbours about Christ , and bring his love in practical ways to the poor and the oppressed spiritually and physically .
30 It is similar in many ways to its more aristocratic relative , but the characteristics of its wines are less well defined .
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