Example sentences of "way [conj] " in BNC.

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1 A single ma can not divine fully the eternal and universal ideal , were he Shakespeare himself , ad therefore he can not prescribe either the ways or the aims for art .
2 The fact that we call both our mother 's brother and father 's brother by the same term does not mean that we are unaware of the fact that we are related to them in different ways or that we can not express this difference by using such phrases as ‘ my uncle on my mother 's side ’ .
3 Clearly the rights of parents , whether they have acted in outrageous ways or not , are sacrosanct for this government and much of the media .
4 Little general guidance ( or comfort ) can be given in respect of the interpretation of words spelt in unfamiliar ways or the basis of phonetics .
5 ‘ This young girl you 've engaged , Mrs Markham , ’ she said , laying great emphasis on the word girl , ‘ I should like to get her into my ways or , shall we say , Harry 's ways , before I leave .
6 I have been an avid machine knitter since 1956 and I 'm still learning new ways or doing things .
7 Options include splitting the town and surrounding countryside three ways or reuniting the urban wards under one MP and creating two new constituencies elsewhere .
8 Hazel did not mean to alter his ways or take instructions from Cowslip .
9 Even worse has been the invention of a whole pseudo-history of roads and tracks based on the tracing of communication across large areas of countryside and explaining the results in terms of prehistoric ways or medieval roads .
10 What effects , is any , do rapid changes in technology have on the appropriateness of each of the alternative ways Or putting a cost or a value to an item .
11 Foreign correspondents who visited polling stations in Havana saw a number of ballot papers marked ‘ No ’ , spoiled in other ways or left blank , although these were not a majority .
12 In both ways or .
13 The arts community is confident the measure will pass easily since the proposal enjoys the strong support of both Daniel Patrick Moynihan and Dan Rostenkowski , chairmen respectively of the Senate Finance Committee and the House Ways & Means Committee , the Congressional groups that originate all tax legislation .
14 Even school-teaching Graham , who is meant to be amusingly boring , is good with words , in one of the ways that teachers sometimes are .
15 The object , therefore , is to force your opponent to fight in unfamiliar or less preferred ways that he finds difficult .
16 Despite the protective embrace of professionalism and the general mutuality of respect and acceptance that pertains between disciplines , the academic teacher of literature is in a peculiar position in relation to his colleagues elsewhere , in ways that have been remarked on by John Bayley and Raymond Williams , and no doubt by others ; in certain respects English does remain an essentially different subject .
17 It is time , it is thought , for English to organize itself in ways that make it more like a proper academic discipline , with clear procedures and goals .
18 Leavis , who countered How To Read with a booklet , How to Teach Reading , and Winters , who declared in 1937 , ‘ Mr Pound resembles a village loafer who sees much and understands little ’ , told the same story as Tate : Pound was a naïf , an imagination and sensory apparatus that consistently performed better than it knew , in ways that the maker 's own discursive intelligence failed to comprehend or measure up to ; in Winters 's memorable and mordant judgement of 1943 , ‘ a sensibility without a mind , or with as little mind as is well possible ’ .
19 Delivering the Drew lecture on ‘ Government and the Arts ’ at the Central London Polytechnic , Mr Fisher pointed out that when Mr Luce announced three-year funding for the arts in November 1987 , he had said the figure could not be reviewed ‘ unless the situation changes substantially in ways that can not be foreseen today ’ .
20 The essence of music 's higher flights is transcendental in the highest degree imaginable , in ways that are manifestly intelligible and effectual , and quite insusceptible to verbal accounting .
21 For most people , unaware of the implications of an obscure West Country helicopter firm , it was in other ways that the government 's problems showed themselves .
22 It is in these ways that The Roaring Girl begins to disclose how , because of the complex connections between sexuality , gender , and class , and specifically between sexual and economic exploitation , economic and political anxieties can be displaced into the domain of the sexual and conversely , the sexual comes to possess enormous signifying power ( though very different from that attributed to sexuality by the radical humanist ) .
23 ‘ A woman would be able to help you in ways that I ca n't , ’ he said .
24 In modern Britain sport has been one of the ways that men have kept themselves apart , defined their own territory , and indulged their enthusiasms .
25 The method is designed to accentuate ways that advance your body clock and play down ways that cause it to delay .
26 The method is designed to accentuate ways that advance your body clock and play down ways that cause it to delay .
27 What we share , the captain and us , is mastery of time — the freedom to order our day in ways that make better use of it .
28 However , thanks partly to the arrival of the sound film , this small measure was to change the nature of the British film industry in ways that could hardly have been foreseen by the legislators , and enable it to ‘ project England ’ more effectively than it had ever done before .
29 And , beyond that , we ought to see that some of the latest European music is only ‘ fascistic ’ in ways that are almost the opposite of male triumpalism .
30 It had opened the door to closer collaboration in the nuclear field , bringing substantial savings in research and development costs , and enabling Britain to retain and constantly modernize her independent nuclear deterrent in ways that otherwise would have been beyond her economic means .
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