Example sentences of "new government " in BNC.

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1 Who then more logical to head our new government but a business man ?
2 Then a policy directive in 1977 reinforced by the new government in 1979 , also insisted that InterCity should run commercially even if other parts of the passenger business were to receive grant-aid under the 1968 Act .
3 The brewers are moving over to leases not to improve the running of their pubs or to offer better service to customers but simply to avoid new government legislation aimed at giving tenants greater protection .
4 The latter need not wait for a change of heart on the part of the Prime Minister , or the election of a new government , before translating guilt about the condition of those less fortunate than themselves into action .
5 In 1945 he was arrested by the new government and tried for collaborating .
6 ‘ This new government , what is it doing ?
7 Preparing to return to power : The Khmer Rouge , whose atrocities of the mid-Seventies have become notorious , is increasingly likely to form part of any new government in Cambodia .
8 So perhaps another note for Mr Patten 's no doubt very full in-tray is to look again at the decision to close down the body responsible for developing Milton Keynes , and start a new government initiative to encourage more new settlements throughout the region , rather than leaving it to private consortia to chance their arms through a development control system which seems unable to accommodate new initiatives in planning .
9 A new government , a centre-right coalition led by the mainstream Conservative Party , takes over formally on Monday .
10 A new government , a centre-right coalition led by the mainstream Conservative Party , takes over on Monday , with the Brundtland administration caretakers over the weekend .
11 A new government 's efforts to undo much of its predecessor 's work is damaging and disruptive .
12 In the new government of June 1983 the move to a more homogeneous Cabinet was continued .
13 Tweed , the Liberal election agent , ‘ knew … that it was not illness or the tedium of a long convalescence which kept him out , but that his heart was not in it and that confronted with the serried ranks of vested interests which compose this new Government , his sympathies were as always with the bottom dogs … '
14 The new government intended to treat aviation as part of its overall restructuring of the British economy .
15 Finally , in December 1945 , the Ministry of Civil Aviation 's White paper on British air services , Cmd. 6712 , which set down the new government 's aviation policy , was submitted to the Cabinet by Lord Winster .
16 Thus the BSA attempted to extort over £20 million from the new government of Zambia in 1964 in exchange for its mineral rights , but was ultimately forced to accept £4 million .
17 Much has transpired in Poland since my two conversations with Krzysztof Kieslowki in Berlin and Cannes — a July election giving a popular mandate to Solidarity ( of which Kieslowki is a member ) , President Bush 's tour of the Eastern Bloc , the insubstantial pledge of debt reduction , and the growing economic crisis which now threatens the fragile new government .
18 MR Ladislav Adamec , the Czechoslovak Prime Minister , threatened to quit last night , as hard bargaining continued for a second day with the opposition over the shape of the new government .
19 He later went on national television to state that he would stand down unless his new government gained public backing .
20 Mr Shekhar has declared his undying loyalty to the new government , without revealing whether he would join it .
21 Mr Adamec cited pressure from the opposition in bargaining over the shape of a new government as his reason for stepping down .
22 Last night , Mr Havel held talks with Defence Ministry officials on the crisis , as President Husak moved swiftly , authorising the Deputy Prime Minister , Mr Calfa , to form a new government .
23 Mr Adamec had asked the Forum for its proposals concerning the new government .
24 Sri Lanka finds cheer in Delhi 's new government .
25 The Forum sought to link the creation of the new government to the stepping down of President Gustav Husak , a key demand of the opposition .
26 ‘ It is quite clear that the Communists have to be in a minority in the new government .
27 Were President Husak to quit over the weekend and a new government be formed , the presidential issue could be deferred while efforts were made to defuse the threat of instability .
28 The opposition Civic Forum earlier described the talks as constructive , amid growing opposition optimism that the Communists would be reduced to a minority in the new government .
29 The opposition sought to link the creation of the new government to Mr Husak stepping down .
30 Were President Husak to resign over the weekend and a new government be formed , the presidential issue could be deferred .
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