Example sentences of "like [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In 1975 contributions began to be collected through the PAYE system like income tax , but any you paid before that date still count towards your total .
2 But beware the pitfalls — matters like income and value-added taxes and standard rulings .
3 Like income , wealth can affect life chances but to Marxists ownership of the means of production also gives power .
4 The definition and measurement of wealth , like income , is not straightforward .
5 ‘ Responsibility is like income tax , VAT , string vests , open-toed sandals worn with socks , tights and grubby bra straps — one of the great anti-aphrodisiacs .
6 In villages like Dearham in Cumberland , with a total population of 1,500 , 900 were members of the Federation .
7 What we answer to ‘ what am I ’ , categories like Scot or Jew or Protestant are vague by comparison with Dunningite or excellent-maker-of-baskets or enthusiast-for-books-about Ireland .
8 Polls Apart ? a study of voting patterns conducted by the Centre for Policy on Ageing found that older people do not vote on the basis of self-interest ( eg pensions ) ; they vote on the basis of issues like defence , education and health like the rest of us .
9 The reason for a new secrecy law is that , post-Maastricht , the EC is getting more and more involved in contentious areas like defence , foreign affairs , and asylum policies — part of the famous ‘ ever closer union between the peoples of Europe ’ .
10 The European moves towards 1992 have had similar consequences on a regional scale in those sectors , like defence , pharmaceuticals and informatics , where the barriers of regulation and restrictive public purchasing has been greatest .
11 Agriculture is not like defence — a matter of being privy to private information ; it is splattered all over the journals .
12 Mr MacMullen , a lecturer in politics at Durham University , believes Labour will bring its biggest guns to bear on the Tories ' record and the Conservatives may no longer be able to rely on traditional Tory vote winners , like defence , management of the economy and crime .
13 A subsequent chapter will address the question of how this threat is routinized by members of the RUC generally , but at this juncture it is worth considering how the management 's dilemma leads them to organize community and neighbourhood policing in an area like West Belfast , where attack is imminent .
14 It is widespread to policemen and women in ‘ sandbag ’ areas like West Belfast that their typifications of Catholics draw a distinction between the majority who are decent and honest and who would have friendly contact with the police but for fear of the paramilitaries , and the small number of ‘ gangsters and criminals ’ who support or undertake attacks on the police .
15 Neighbourhood policing in sandbag areas like West Belfast is even more difficult than community relations work .
16 This reflects the management 's recognition that the style of policing that occurs in areas like West Belfast heavily influences the public 's perception of the police .
17 In sandbag areas like West Belfast , months of patient hard work on the part of the neighbourhood police cam be destroyed as a single event inside or outside the locale increases Catholic distrust of or disaffection from the police .
18 This remark neatly summarizes the paradox of neighbourhood policing in areas like West Belfast .
19 In areas like West Belfast it will be extremely difficult to find employers who are prepared to take trainees and who are also prepared to cooperate in their training needs .
20 And over the past eighteen months several agencies , among them the International Fund for Ireland and LEDU , have begun to have a presence in the most economically underdeveloped areas and to make claims about how they are targeting resources on places like West Belfast .
21 This was particularly true in areas like West Belfast where the government was anxious to undermine the vote for Sinn Féin .
22 If I was asked what I felt characterised the walking around Wensleydale , I would say that it has all the expanse and sweep of the bigger dales like Wharfedale but that it also has jewels of villages like West Burton and Askrigg and the fine falls of Hardraw and Aysgarth .
23 In the second half of the 1850s the Ministry of Education abolished enrolment quotas , exempted the badly off from the payment of fees , readopted the principle of despatching promising scholars to western Europe for postgraduate training , allowed women to attend lectures , ended the practice of monitoring students ' off-campus behaviour , reintroduced contentious subjects like west European law and the history of philosophy , and appointed broad-minded officials to the headships of the empire 's educational districts .
24 While a study such as Festinger , Rieken , and Schachter 's When Prophecy Fails ( see p. 73 ) is clearly not a community study , and one like Frankenberg 's Village on the Border clearly is , others , such as Whyte 's Street Corner Society , fall somewhere between the two .
25 Meanwhile , the collective clout of famous names like Pamela 's , Rula 's and Twiggy 's , heading a list which also features Victoria Wood , Kiri te Kanawa , Ben Kingsley , Ringo Starr and Barbara Bach , Linda McCartney , Shakira and Michael Caine — to name but a handful — means that the women ( and the men ) in the street who supports Parents for Safe Food 's Campaign at last stands a chance of being heard in the food forum .
26 Churchill was succeeded by Eden , like Thorneycroft a bit of an artist , and like Churchill vulnerable to illness .
27 She used to make things that are now quite commonplace but which at the time seemed really exotic — fabulous cakes like kugelhopf and filled croissants which were wheeled in on a trolley for tea .
28 ‘ Estella , why do you encourage someone like Drummle ?
29 On a programme like This Morning , you have to think of an interesting way to put across a story about something like knitting .
30 Athey , though having been exposed as a poor leader , could also , like Allan Lamb , be considered a good number two .
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