Example sentences of "use just " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Is that where you heard the bad words you used just now ? ’
2 ‘ And did you hear the bad language he used just now ?
3 If you do not have the luxury of a dining room used just for dining — and most of us do not , the trick is to make your dining table look as if it is not a dining table most of the time .
4 Among those noting Xu 's habit of using just one board ( ingredients are so fresh and so quickly prepared that food poisoning is not considered a threat ) is Keith Mitchell , team captain of the British chefs competing at the culinary Olympics in Frankfurt next year , and head chef at the Grand Hotel , Eastbourne , East Sussex .
5 This is invariably from small-scale farmhouse producers , using just the milk of their own herd , be it cattle , sheep or goats , fed on pastures that are organically fertilised with farmyard manure or a natural material such as seaweed .
6 Indeed we hope it may be possible to predict some of the medical problems our Iron Age ancestors were subject to , using just these methods .
7 If all this sounds a bit complicated , it may help to start using just a small amount of the nutrition information .
8 Did you arrange all the tracks so you could play them solo , using just an acoustic , if you had to ?
9 He was using just a small group — a sax player , a keyboard player , bass and drums , as I recall — and he was really wailing .
10 Half load The half-load facility allows you to wash six place settings using just one basket ( usually the bottom one ) without wasting detergent , water or energy .
11 Using just four rows of pattern , this sample was worked on the Singer Big Nine and after the first four rows was extremely easy to work .
12 because of the way it tends to bind many poorer consumers into using just one type of credit ( considerably more costly than non-collection types ) more or less as a matter of course .
13 Any flowers can be used , but take care to get the scale exactly right — using just one very large flower can look rather out of place , and if the flowers you wish to use are tiny , it will need a very complicated design to fill the card .
14 Whilst talking about reducibility of polynomials we mention a very important result which we shall , using just a tiny bit of analysis , prove in full later ( Theorem 4.8.1 ) .
15 Using just it , the start state is described as on ( A , B ) ∘ on ( B , table ) ∘ on ( C , table ) ∘
16 Causality is Granger causality , which is based on the idea that , if past values of the variable × improve predictions of the current value of variable Y , relative to predictions made using just the past values of Y , while past values of Y can not improve on the predictions of the current value of X made using past values of X , X ‘ causes ’ Y , in the special sense that X leads Y .
17 The first reasonably reliable and convincing learning task for Drosophila involved training them using just this sense of smell .
18 Many very successful paintings have been produced using just two colours ( Mixing complementaries ) .
19 At the start of the C2 first heat Reneiski/Zuravski of the USSR broke a paddle shaft but still managed to finish only half a minute after the Korean pair using just the blade at the stern to secure a repêchage place .
20 We should note that a calculation using just the SEP gives exactly half this value ; we shall look at the complete calculation in Chapter 8 .
21 There 's a substantial chapter on planning gardens using just one theme colour and the " plant catalogue " is full of tips for dramatic looking plants , large or small , tiered , weeping or busy shrubs , according to the demands of the proposed layout , plus hedging and ground cover .
22 The new BH2-NCF condenser facilitates this with rapid changeover between Epi-fluorescence , transmitted light brightfield , phase contrast and differential interference contrast using just two slide controls .
23 Xu 's ingredients are fresh and he uses just one board
24 A full wash uses just 20 ltr of water and 1.6 kWh of energy .
25 The ICRF is such a worthy cause and what makes it particularly so is that it uses just 8p out of every £1 for administration , meaning 92p really goes on advancing the research , ’ she said .
26 Beccaria uses just such an argument against capital punishment ( in addition to his rational , effectiveness arguments ) ; we simply would not enter into a social contract that gave someone the right to kill us .
27 The LOB tagset uses just 5 tags for general ( i.e. open class ) verbs .
28 The slip is used just to get rid of the excess height so that less than full airbrake is required for the rest of the approach .
29 It can be used just like granulated sugar , spoon for spoon , in drinks , desserts , cereals and some recipes .
30 Many children need to spend much of their time with the group in physical activity out-of-doors , and a teacher supervising them can help to develop their experiences and language , so that she feels her time is being used just as profitably out-of-doors as within the confines of the classroom .
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