Example sentences of "look as " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It sometimes looked as if Densign was attacking under pressure , ’ he said .
2 In the third place peasant correspondents in particular looked as if they would be a useful source of information for the central authorities on dissatisfaction in the countryside and on the rising influence of peasant types not in favour with the party .
3 Charlie was dead keen on Lilian doing him credit and she always did , always looked as if she 'd just stepped out of a bandbox .
4 He was grim-faced and looked as if he had not slept , but he offered them freshly made coffee and raised a smile for Catherine .
5 The window looked as if it belonged to a toilet .
6 It was dark with age and looked as if it had been coated with treacle .
7 He 'd been pleased with his magnanimous administration of justice , but this new development looked as if advantage was being taken of weakness .
8 The Tories looked as if they had run out of steam and needed to rethink their priorities away from the cares of office .
9 The children all looked as if they did n't have a care in the world , that this was just another ordinary day , and what was taking place within the hall some sort of social occasion .
10 The lino on the floor was scuffed and torn , the windows nearly opaque with grime , and the walls looked as if they had never been repainted since the place was constructed .
11 Looked as if someone had pulled out the HT lead , actually . ’
12 The little girl hesitantly offered the bowl to Marion , who for a moment looked as if she would snatch it and throw it at her .
13 The weeds that we 'd uprooted in the morning were shrivelled and brown ; the earth looked as if nothing had ever lived in it .
14 Even the drainpipes , clinging half-heartedly to cracked walls and rusty gutters , looked as if they 'd had enough .
15 The walkers who had wangled the lift with him looked as if they had been told they had a week to live , suggesting the car conversation must have fulfilled my expectations .
16 From Mars it must have looked as if opposing armies of ants were on the move .
17 At the cadenza , she stumbled down the keyboard with something that had elements of a flourish but ended up sounding more like a digital coronary , an awful , shaming collapse of the fingers that , at the last minute , recovered itself and looked as if it might turn into something like the chord of A minor .
18 Suddenly my short journalistic career looked as if it would stay short .
19 Not many yards away , dunes and hillocks looked as if they had been dumped at random , each one rising about sixty feet above the plain .
20 The prehistoric trees looked as if they had been felled the day before , but they were as sterile as hot bricks from a kiln and probably one hundred and thirty million years old .
21 The early fusion experiments looked as if they were making great strides toward the desired goal .
22 Everything seemed to be going well , and it must have looked as if the weight of Galileo and the rest of the scientific world might succeed and get a thorough revision of orthodox science .
23 Dad looked as if he was dying for a cigarette : he gave up smoking two years ago when his secretary-before-last got lung cancer .
24 Both mother and daughter looked as if they agreed with him but Mercer , smiling round clenched molars , said with surprising bitterness , ‘ You will do what I ask or accept the consequences . ’
25 Instead of talking about the job he said some words to me in Punjabi or Urdu and looked as if he wanted to get into a big conversation about Ray or Tagore or something .
26 Both highly desirable , the one on the left especially ; both looked as if they would n't get on their backs for anything less than Edouard de Chavigny himself ; both had the kind of accent that made his toes curl , and made him wish he 'd opted for the more costly tailor .
27 Jesus , the man looked as if he was in mourning .
28 There were a few exceptions to prove the rule , but by and large the Commons looked as if it were fighting the class war rather than debating the need for the protection of wild mammals .
29 The quality of the ball suffered accordingly and although Biarritz scored two tries to Toulon 's one they never looked as if they could win the game .
30 He was very apologetic , and looked as if he might be taken away and hanged for the delay .
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