Example sentences of "also come " in BNC.

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1 Small powers seek also to come to terms with a particular great power either to guarantee themselves against the overwhelming strength of another great power or in order to prevent the great power in question from asserting its strength more directly and imperiously over them …
2 If our much smaller , and much more numerous local museums are also to come in from the cold , the only route open to them is the one of providing a stimulating and memorable learning experience .
3 An important feature was the establishment of specific aircraft performance requirements , that is to say the ability of an aircraft to be able to take off in given circumstances within a specified distance and also to come to a stop after landing in not more than a specified length of runway .
4 The Black Prince was to march from Bordeaux into the north-central areas of the country ; Henry , duke of Lancaster , planned to attack from Normandy ; while Edward III himself was also to come from the north .
5 As a result , the DES set up a study group under the chairmanship of Stephen Jones , at that time an assistant secretary at the DES and now Assistant Provost of the City of London Polytechnic , both to suggest a fairer way of allocating the 1981–2 pool and also to come forward with longer-term recommendations , based on unit costs within the institutions .
6 Substantial cash help has also come from the National Heritage Memorial Fund ( £40,000 ) , the Countryside Commission for Scotland ( £40,000 ) , the Christopher Brasher Trust ( £30,000 ) and many others .
7 Mr Gonzalez has also come in for criticism from within his own party .
8 Mr Gonzalez has also come in for criticism from within his own party .
9 Pious persons disapproved of its use in any circumstances ; by mid-century they had also come to deprecate the mesmeric trance , which was associated with the activities of spiritualists ( see chapter ten ) .
10 But with increased choice has also come rising concern among Britain 's 10m occupational pension scheme members .
11 The people , by this time , had also come to regret the whole incident and they beseeched him to stay .
12 As we shall see later , the economic performance of the Magnox reactors has also come under increasing scrutiny .
13 Dr Murdoch resigned from the British Medical Association over its attitude to the Arthur case , but criticism has also come from within the BMA .
14 Gervase Jackson-Stops has also come to the aid of Stowe , with An English Arcadia 1600 – 1990 , an exhibition of designs and watercolours of gardens in the care of the National Trust which opens in the USA next year .
15 At the smaller end of the scale , the surreal Monkton House in West Sussex and the delightful sixteen-sided folly at A la Ronde outside Exmouth in Devon have also come under threat .
16 It has also come under severe attack from the orthodox medical establishment .
17 The traditional role of the local government officer as the neutral bureaucrat has also come under stress from the growing militancy of local authority trade unions .
18 There they joined Japanese geologists who had also come to McMurdo Station that season to search for meteorites .
19 The use of antibiotics in factory farming , both to combat infection and to promote growth , has also come under criticism in the salmonella scandal .
20 But I have also come to realise that standing as still as you must while waiting for your chance to come on a frosty day is not exactly the height of pleasure .
21 The end of harvest had also come to Sleightholmedale , a couple of weeks earlier ; despite Jonadab Oaks ' reputation as a stern man and a strict master , the workers surged into the farmhouse kitchen , in answer to his invitation : ‘ Come in , one and all .
22 To the east the Mediterranean Fleet had also come under air attack during 8th. from Rhodes-based Axis aircraft , and heavy air fighting had ensued with six of the attackers being claimed shot down by the defending Fulmars from the carrier ‘ Formidable ’ .
23 The public had also come to accept a rule of thumb that the Provisional IRA gave a warning when they placed a bomb and loyalists rarely gave one .
24 Objections to the application for planning permission had also come from the Western Regional Fisheries Board and Westport Tourism as well as several individuals .
25 However the modern corporation has also come under attack on grounds of Christian justice .
26 Yet the undecorated vessels were given a variety of titles , despite the majority having also come from cemeteries ; biconical and globular vessels were labelled ‘ urns ’ , squat vessels as ‘ plain bowls ’ , and a variety of shapes that could not be fitted easily into the typological scheme were labelled domestic wares , ‘ crude accessories ’ , ‘ wide-mouthed cook-pots ’ and ‘ cook-pots with lugs ’ ( ibid. , pp. 26–9 , pp. 148–70 ) .
27 Two training books have also come to light this month .
28 They 've also come up with the quaint idea of having a T-shirt recycling stall in the club where you can take your old T-shirts and get a new Dodgy one in exchange .
29 ‘ Admiral Blyth on the Apollo has also come through .
30 Nor can the appointment of an outsider be excluded : the names of Bernard-Henri Levy , one of the nouveaux philosophes , and of François Weyergans , the writer , have also come up .
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