Example sentences of "now as " in BNC.

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1 In this , its 300th anniversary year , its role as human rights watchdog is as vital now as ever it was .
2 As long ago now as 1974 , Michael Maguire argued a need for a semantic ethnography of police systems and the criminals they pursue ; and there has been a subsequent trickle of attempts to carry out participant observation inside the world of ‘ cops and robbers ’ .
3 Her heart cramped now as she thought of her husband 's folly in plumping for the easy money , as it had seemed , after three bad harvests — his airy promise to come home soon — his failure to return after his regiment had been disbanded in Madras and left to make its own way back round half the world .
4 But my opinion of the book is much the same now as it was that day in Kathmandu .
5 That is as true now as it was in 1945 , when Olson wrote it .
6 And is it not a true bill , now as in 1918 ?
7 Ski areas tend to be as fragmented now as they were 20 or 30 years ago .
8 He says ‘ His rules made good sense then and they make better sense now as the pressures grow inexorably , yet they have been ignored in certain sensitive areas , with results which are both plain and heart-rending to see . ’
9 But she has no intention of changing course now as she believes that , run as separate entities , the shops remain manageable and provide a strong incentive to succeed for the franchisees .
10 This is somewhat ironical in that , as we shall see , it is Engels 's anthropological enthusiasm and his trust in Morgan which has been the source of many of the points in his work which appear now as unacceptable to anthropologists and which have been the cause of some of the most damaging objections to his theories .
11 The situation is changing now as young people with skills are becoming more in demand in the labour market with the falling youth population .
12 Dawn is not ideal even now as it has very limited sleeping accommodation .
13 Mummy instilled a beauty routine into me as a young girl which is as automatic to me now as brushing my teeth .
14 Then gradually twitches of life manifested themselves and it is now as well as can be expected .
15 Wimbledon v Manchester U That hard-won point at Liverpool a week ago must seem awfully distant now as Alex Ferguson approaches the most critical period of his managerial career at Old Trafford .
16 This house is aristocratic Georgian to the hilt , and its ostentatious splendour makes the same impact now as then .
17 This is now as internationally popular as holidays on the Greek islands , from whence the recipe hails .
18 Their frustrations used to be articulated by Mrs Thatcher , but she is now as likely to be a cause of them as a cure .
19 By dumping the new arrivals less than a year later , BZW , chaired now as then by Sir Martin Jacomb , has shown up its American adventure for the opportunistic grab it was .
20 One other thought I will write … you are even now as you were , and ever must be , beautiful , pure and passionate .
21 Even now as he stood there by the kitchen table he could see Caspar closing in on the weaker lamb , and he could hear that weird and terrible wailing of Lee 's .
22 He believed she must have received some of his mailings by now as she was in an even worse temper than usual .
23 But I can not abandon my identity now as I did so freely in those days of my youth .
24 And then we talked of more interesting things , things by now as familiar to me as legend , in a sort of litany , each speaking in turn .
25 She forced herself to concentrate , alert now as she had never been before with Gazzer .
26 Now as he re-enters the Land , he is greeted by angels of God once more ( 32.1 ) .
27 He watched her now as she singed the birds over the gas-flame .
28 And for plenty of people , now as then , Emily Davison was not a martyr but an obsessive fanatic whose activities brought no credit to her cause and whose action on Derby Day 1913 was that of a hooligan , not a heroine .
29 The continued belief in the ‘ untainted Führer ’ alongside the castigations of Party corruption blinded people now as earlier to the fateful path of destruction along which the institutionalized undermining of constitutional and legal norms in the ‘ Hitler State ’ and the fanatical pursuit of the Führer 's ‘ selfless ’ goals was taking Germany .
30 For the majority of the population , it seems that , now as before , the ‘ Jewish Question ’ was of no more than secondary interest .
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