Example sentences of "no new " in BNC.

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1 AI has received no new information about six members of the Islamic Liberation Party imprisoned in Libya since 1973 for belonging to an illegal organization .
2 No new actor should expect more .
3 As yet no new VAT leaflet or instruction has been supplied .
4 There were no new notices on the wall-board criss-crossed with tape for messages , and Marion allowed Conroy to push open the big doors and go out into the cavernous darkness of the wings with their slats of scenery fencing the hollow stage , its set furniture dead beneath one working light .
5 I had , as I have said , hardly any money left , so with no new sources of income on the horizon , the sensible thing to do was to sleep rough .
6 The East Grinstead scheme had only been authorised because of the need to replace asbestos-infected elderly diesel multiple units and by demonstrating that no new rolling stock would be required .
7 Had that principle ruled post-war planning , there would have been no new towns .
8 The Chancellor provided no clue on whether any policy change was in prospect during his address , but when asked about joining the exchange rate mechanism of the EMS on the BBC 's Newsnight programme he said : ‘ I have no new announcement to make about that , neither today nor indeed at the Mansion House ’ — referring to his annual speech on monetary policy and City issues at a banquet there next Thursday night .
9 But Mr Lawson later told BBC Television 's Newsnight : ‘ I have no new announcement to make about that , neither today nor indeed at the Mansion House . ’
10 In general , though , it was notable that Labour , as in 195 1 , fought a negative and backward-looking contest , offering no new initiatives , and reiterating its well-known support for the National Health Service , public education , and fuller employment .
11 There were also inherited pledges which no new Prime Minister could disavow .
12 No new Crosland seemed likely to emerge to give them a fresh charisma .
13 He wrote that no new ballet could be founded on a dead ritual .
14 Calvet was in spectacular form at Paris , calling for an immediate rethink on Japanese access to Europe and outlining a five-point plan : that no new transplants be established in Europe ; that those in existence have outputs capped ; that quotas be maintained between 1992 and 2002 and continued after that if the Japanese do n't play ball ; that overall European penetration levels should stay at 10 per cent from the East and that France could keep its three per cent quota ; and finally , that all Japanese cars , no matter where they 're built , should be included in calculations , and the EC should assist automotive industry investment .
15 No new members of the board were elected , though the odd family friend was co-opted from time to time .
16 Without writers there could be no new ideas about what cinema could do , and without new ideas there could be no sense of British cinema having a purpose .
17 There is no new timetable , ’ he said .
18 There were no new openings in Scotland or the north of England , where the main urban areas are supplied and interest charges were almost steady at £528,000 .
19 After 1968 , no new artistic movements were permitted , and groups of artists or intellectuals meeting in cafes became the subject of suspicion .
20 And no new ones coming along , by the look of it .
21 In the United States it remained the case that no new nuclear generators had been ordered since 1978 .
22 ‘ It will mean very strict planning — no more supermarkets and hypermarkets , no new industrial development sites . ’
23 No new applications for dolphin hunting will be accepted , and the number of licensed vessels is to be reduced from 600 to 540 .
24 There was no new money , for Bolivia would not have been able to service it .
25 About 65% took an option of letting Costa Rica buy back its paper at 15% of face value , while only 35% picked two types of low-interest bonds ; there was no new money .
26 In recent years , however , the Public Trustee has only had a small and declining proportion of the total work of trusteeship and executorship ( see p. 114 ) , and in 1972 a Committee of Enquiry recommended that no new work should be taken on , and that the office be wound up and merged with that of the Official Solicitor .
27 Whilst the record companies sat on their hands , nervous of another quadraphonic-style fiasco , Karajan announced after seeing the new technology as a working prototype that he would make no new recordings and sign no new contracts with any company that was not committed to digital recording and the earliest possible launch of the compact disc .
28 Whilst the record companies sat on their hands , nervous of another quadraphonic-style fiasco , Karajan announced after seeing the new technology as a working prototype that he would make no new recordings and sign no new contracts with any company that was not committed to digital recording and the earliest possible launch of the compact disc .
29 But , going into last week 's championships in her home state of California , she had signed no new commercial deals since the Olympics and her advertising endorsements were restricted to an appearance on a cereal box .
30 To my knowledge , no new facts have come to light since the original decision . ’
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