Example sentences of "well before " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 'd have to know you a lot better before telling you such things . ’
2 The noisome dust-heaps represent enormous wealth , and the worship of wealth animates the Veneering circle with its traffic in shares , as it does Silas Wegg secretly investigating the dust-heaps , and even affects Bella Wilfer , who has to learn better before her marriage to the heir .
3 If you do find that you have recorded an unsatisfactory shot , cut your losses there and then by reversing back to the beginning so that you can over-record with something better before continuing with the rest of the shoot .
4 Eating well before and during pregnancy is very important .
5 The mortar is set before the frosts , and the roof will be on well before the snow . ’
6 Well before noon , beside a small church whose roof sagged under clumps of grass and willow-herb , they came to the bridge over to Grandtully and looked across at the dense little settlement , lumpish houses made of undressed river boulders with brown smoke streaming through their heather thatch , hovels of branches littered through the trees , a few solid cottages with level roof-trees .
7 Well before the end his shirt was hanging like cling-film , his hair separating into rats ' tails , and his body movements winding down .
8 The Araglin — a stony , soft-water , trout river — was chosen because of a welter of data on its fish and invertebrate populations collected well before the flooding .
9 ‘ I think we should join well before next summer , but I do not think … that the time to join is this week , ’ Sir Leon said .
10 She said Mr Mandela told them that he had written a document setting out his views on negotiations , the prospect of which President de Klerk has been promoting since well before the National Party returned to power in the 6 September elections .
11 He said : ‘ I think we should join well before next summer , but I do not think … that the time to join is this week . ’
12 The idea of a National Government , as Philip Williamson shows in his thesis , was common currency among businessmen and opinion-formers well before the financial crisis of August 1931 ; furthermore , one of those most sympathetic to the call for a National Government was the King .
13 Large-scale , publicly-owned enterprises will breathe their last gasp and wither away well before the state which spawned them .
14 The magazine , unfortunately with a deadline of well before Christmas , has this to say of Romania in its summary of how changes in Eastern Europe might affect the game there : ‘ No visible signs of change and with the recent party congress having given the despotic president Nicolae Ceausescu another five years in office and dissident opposition ruthlessly crushed by the secret police , Romania will remain in the Dark Ages for the foreseeable future . ’ .
15 Sikh separatists , Assamese secessionists , Tamil militants , Bihari gangsters , Kashmiri guerrillas — all had provided bloody evidence , well before the election , of an India sliding towards ungovernability .
16 But the troubles of the industry began well before Iraq 's invasion of Kuwait sent the price of jet fuel from 60 cents a gallon to more than $1.30 .
17 There is no doubt that family ties were knotted with great intensity ; indeed , well before the end of the century there was criticism of this intensity , directed chiefly against the dominant paterfamilias .
18 In addition , the pace of wage reduction fell and only one-eighth of the amount was taken off the weekly wage bill between 1930–3 as was taken from the net weekly wage bill for 192 1.47 Also , there was little to suggest that the pattern and the style of industrial relations was greatly altered by the General Strike : the number of workers on strike and the number of days of work lost were already declining well before 1926 and there was a rise of industrial militancy in the late 1920s and early 1930s as unions attempted to resist the further wage cuts being advocated by employers .
19 Close examination of the film shows that he took off well before it ; he was not under pressure and had no apparent reason to panic .
20 A city centre derailment and an apparent suicide on the track did not help , although the system is now up and running well before the June contract deadline .
21 Coventry manager Don Howe , who underwent a similar operation nearly four years ago , said there was no reason why Mr Souness , 38 , should not be back at his desk well before the start of next season .
22 Dury 's reputation as something of a hellraiser has been sustained by a couple of recent incidents : what he describes as his ‘ bit of bother at the opera ’ ( a minor fracas enthusiastically reported by the tabloid newspapers ) and an appearance on Nicky Campbell 's Radio 1 show , when Dury , who had dined well before going on air , spoke with unusual frankness on a number of subjects .
23 Well before the Great Plague of London in 1665 and the Great Fire of the following year , Chiswick had become established as a healthy environment away from Westminster and the City of London , yet conveniently close to both , also to Richmond Palace and Windsor Castle .
24 Well before then John Wesley had created an entirely different atmosphere in the British Isles by his wandering ministry , preaching and his publications , which together with his brother 's ( Charles ) hymns , had established a Christian people who were called ‘ Methodists ’ .
25 Earl Russell succeeded Sir Robert Peel as Prime Minister in 1846 , and well before then Queen Victoria had commenced having her children which numbered four boys and five girls born during the first seventeen years of her marriage .
26 Well before 1880 , Wesleyan Methodists had a thriving Sunday School and some form of regular public worship in the Strand-on-the-Green area , but due to the generosity of the Duke of Devonshire , a large site in Sutton Court Road was made available to the Methodists , who raised funds and built a substantial Hall in the centre of that site , opened in 1880 and used for Sunday School and public worship ; followed , in 1902 , by the erection of a Manse on the southern flank .
27 Supporters of Schutt 's multiple-stresses hypothesis pointed to studies of tree rings in West Germany , Switzerland and other countries , which showed a long-term slowing in growth well before the year in which visible signs of decline had developed .
28 The general form of the landscape , low-lying in North Uist , South Uist and Benbecula , gently undulating in Lewis and mountainous in Harris , was established well before the Pleistocene glaciations , when the islands were covered by ice , whose movements were affected by radial outflow from a snow accumulation centre on Harris .
29 Then Trent was up and running — important that he halt Juanito well before José 's position or the man would be warned by José 's absence .
30 The Windscale site had begun to achieve a bad reputation well before its recent rise to national prominence under a new title .
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