Example sentences of "well over " in BNC.

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1 Will do better over longer distances .
2 The XJ6 is a great saloon that 's become better over the years .
3 And she quickly adds , with a shy smile : ‘ Is life better over there ? ’
4 ‘ I think that block would do better over here . ’
5 But I 'll think better over a pastis .
6 I putted nicely today and I think I can do a lot better over the next three days . ’
7 The new 58 beautifully manifests the Hood theory that displacement yachts with reduced wetted surface behave better over a wider range of conditions .
8 Doubtless we should manage things better over here ?
9 None has led me to that dangerous conclusion that we were doing it better over there than here .
10 We need to play a lot better over the next season or else .
11 Abbey Burnfoot fished well over low water on night tides for a few decent codling .
12 For example , he identifies Debord as the source of Godard 's innovations : ‘ Indeed , well over a decade before Godard 's Vent d'Est , Debord was producing a revolutionary , materialist ‘ counter-cinema ’ . ’
13 French Goblin was a good staying hurdler last season and has the physique to do well over fences .
14 The five-year-old won eight of his ten hurdles races last season and looks the ideal type to do extremely well over fences .
15 On this aspect of the story Mr Sale is an invaluable guide and teacher , but he goes well over the top in his determination to present Columbus as the representative of a devilish western world driven only by the desire to rape , grab and despoil a land of innocence .
16 Those who want to get at the frozen part of their savings in the old currency will have to buy new currency from the central bank , at auctions where it will cost them well over its face value .
17 Unemployment thus remained at well over one million ; more than 10 per cent of the workforce .
18 In Berlin itself , there are over 4,000 Vietnamese , most of whom live three to a room in cramped hostels , paying well over the odds for the privilege ( Germans living in the same accommodation pay considerably less ) .
19 From then until harvest the size of the flattened areas steadily increases until it totals well over 1ha ( 2.5 acres ) , or about 3% of the wheat area .
20 Some of these engines ran for well over a century before being discarded , and particularly fine and huge specimens can be found operating at the Kew steam engine museum .
21 They are Luddites well over a century before the term was coined .
22 Labour leaders had done well over the past few years to present themselves in Washington as solid members of the alliance and as social democrats more than socialists .
23 I could n't believe it , especially when Graham Gooch had played so well over the last year . ’
24 For example , over half of the participants ( 56 per cent ) did not know how many beers they could drink before reaching the legal limit for driving and well over two-thirds of them knew neither how long it took for alcohol to be burned up by the body ( 71 per cent ) nor what , if anything , was an effective way of sobering up ( 71 per cent ) .
25 ‘ However , ’ says David Baldock of the Institute for European Environment Policy , which has advised several governments on the issue , ‘ in twenty years ’ time five million people could be drinking water well over the 50 mg/litre limit .
26 The Cretaceous genus Inoceramus sometimes grew well over a metre in length ; fragments of this particular genus are frequently important components of the soft , white Cretaceous limestone known as chalk .
27 The brewery is unique in many respects , especially as a result of the outstanding beauty of its buildings , pond and meticulously maintained surroundings , this being due in no small part to the fact that it has remained in the hands of the Arkell family for well over a century .
28 And what in particular , is the meaning of a very remarkable gorge , well over a mile deep , running along the crest of the highest underwater range , the mid-Atlantic ridge ?
29 Had n't he clothed them well and fed them well over the years ?
30 That a country can achieve a current account surplus of $20 billion with negligible energy resources and a daily bill for oil alone of well over $ 100 million , is testimony to Japanese industrial strength and flexibility .
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