Example sentences of "well after " in BNC.

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1 Then we both had a good cry together , and felt a lot better after a good strong cup of tea .
2 There would be change enough from her £5,000 after the funeral expenses had been paid , and I felt a little better after that .
3 The shares were coasting along at above 400p and looking like going better after a string of tipsters recommendations .
4 We continue to provide the best product , provide factual production information and if a customer is not satisfied that his amp sounds and performs better after installing Groove Tubes , we 'll give them their money back .
5 She said that the pain was a little better after the pethidine she had been given and she was able to rest quietly while she waited to be taken to theatre .
6 Lil should know me better after all these years .
7 ‘ I thought I deserved better after so many years of service , ’ he said .
8 Subsequent studies ( e.g. Kleinsmith & Kaplan , 1963 , 1964 ; Parkin , Lewinsohn & Folkard , 1982 ) have found that recall for associates to emotional words , or even nonsense syllables evoking high GSRs , is worse after short retention intervals ( e.g. 2 minutes ) but better after longer intervals ( e.g. 7 days ) .
9 Well , Trippy said he slept better after a nightcap .
10 than that dear it 's down the other end , the other side of Old Harlow , but he used to have a surgery there which he , you know , made it better after the erm , to ease up Dr surgery cos that was so packed and the shops were absolutely and you used to have to queue and queue for , to get your shopping , you could n't , I used to cycle into Harlow and leave my cycle somewhere and then go along do my shopping , but it used to be two or three hours ' job it was , you did n't get done till dinner time and then I used to call it a , a lady used to say call there that used to have the fried fish and chip shop on the corner of erm Harlow and I used to go there and have a cup of tea before I came home because I used to be so long shopping you could n't get served you see , it 's too many people , there was nowhere else for them to go , it was only Bishop 's Stortford you had to go
11 ‘ We 're both obviously suffering from jet-lag , and we 'll feel a lot better after a decent night 's sleep . ’
12 Nor was he in the least tired until well after midnight .
13 In the early Soviet period , until well after Stalin 's introduction of the notion of ‘ Socialism in one country ’ , state education was rigorously infused with those same ideas of proletarian internationalism that influenced military circles .
14 Hawkins Dalesman : performed well after breaking in
15 This may be a little exaggerated , but it makes the point quite nicely that the commodity position of British trade recovered strikingly well after 1945 — essential imports could readily be paid for by exports plus the American loan remarkably quickly after the war 's end .
16 By now , the household of The Kilns had taken on the shape which it was to maintain until well after the Second World War .
17 I was in … oh , from about ten o'clock to well after lunch , and I would n't have thought she would come in late in the afternoon .
18 Nevertheless , some Brazilian coffee exporters have done well after being liberated from bureaucratic controls , which means that Brazil 's coffee industry is now divided on what the country 's next move should be .
19 We stayed there a long time , until well after midnight .
20 I was often to meet these apparently carefree young men parading the streets and lanes of the city well after midnight , or serenading pretty girls beneath their lighted windows , their only reward a thrown rose or carnation .
21 They liked watching her play out a Cinderella fantasy , wearing gold lamé and riding in a gold-plated carriage to a ball from which she did not return until well after midnight .
22 In spring mulch the soil around it well after giving it a good soaking , this will encourage the soil to stay moist .
23 For example , despite the prevalence of coinage in ancient Greece , one of the great powers , Sparta , did not adopt it until well after the heyday of Spartan power .
24 We sha n't be having Fru Blicher 's buffet until well after nine . … ’
25 The audience were slow to take their seats , the warm-up was too long and Mr Major did not finish his speech until well after nine .
26 Winning elections , and governing well after doing so , are two different activities .
27 The focal point of the Mega is the large outdoor bar overlooking the seafront which opens at 8.30 am to serve a good English breakfast and snacks throughout the day ; it closes well after midnight .
28 It is unfortunate that these descriptions , published well after the completion of the lift , do not reflect the real experience of the machinery actually working .
29 There were two leading theoreticians of nationalism in the German section of the party ( although both published their main works well after the Brno Congress ) .
30 True , she went to bed late , and was often at her desk until four a.m. , and so might have been expected to rise well after midday , and luxuriate over breakfast before beginning her day 's work at one in the afternoon .
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