Example sentences of "then what " in BNC.

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1 Never in my life , he wrote , have I known so exactly what step to take after the step I am in the process of taking , and then what step to take after the step I will take after the step I am in the process of taking .
2 She was after everything in trousers , young or old , she 'd have had Mr Pepper in the end , you mark my words , and then what 'd happen to the Company ?
3 But if attempts to produce this concrete research are doomed to neglect or derision or to be defined as ‘ espionage ’ , then what can be achieved ?
4 Because BS knows all the facts about the brain state , and the experience just is the brain state , then what the experience is like must be something other than a fact about the experience .
5 I see that someone terrified of using any woodworking tool involving the slightest of danger may be attracted by the SuperCut , and it might have potential for novices , but then what tool offers complete security ?
6 One grey-haired captain , a rough old chap , sat and sat not saying a word , mute as a mackerel , then suddenly got up in the middle of the room ad , you know , said aloud as if speaking to himself , ‘ If there 's no God then what sort of a Captain am I after that ? ’ , ad seized his cap and threw up his arms and went out .
7 Then what of this proof and this freedom ?
8 If the academy can not itself produce literature , and if even criticism can be written outside of it by novelists , poets , and literary journalists , then what it , and only it , can produce is theory .
9 So , tell me then what sport The hacks of Fleet Street have with me today .
10 Then what are you crying about ?
11 But it can be difficult to get in and out of and there may be times when it 's too warm — then what do you do ?
12 If the Empire was to be welded into an economic unit , the parts of which would be interdependent economically because they were parts of the Empire , and if this unity was to stand in default or in anticipation of political unity , then what was necessary was Imperial free trade , a genuine Zollverein .
13 If we had gone to the West , then what ?
14 If the woman resisted Weston 's voice simply out of obedience to Maleldil , then what was the function of Ransom ?
15 If God is not a fact , then what have atheists to fear if their kids learn about him ?
16 If this was true , then what a lot they missed !
17 Then what ? ’
18 If this is a prelude to the final struggle over reform — even to civil war — then what are the forces on each side ?
19 Then what would he say to Uncle Walter ?
20 Then what are you and Clancy doing about it ? ’
21 Then what ?
22 Next came a pair of thick socks wrinkling about the ankles , and then what seemed to be a pair of men 's shoes .
23 ‘ And then what ? ’
24 And then what , exactly ?
25 ‘ And then what happens ? ’
26 Then what are we to do for the best ? ’
27 ‘ Then , then what do you want to ask me ? ’
28 Mrs Browning moved restlessly , cleared her throat , said nothing in reply , but then what could be said ?
29 Then what would you have thought if Harry Goodhaven had disappeared for ever yesterday afternoon and you 'd found his car later by a cliff , real or metaphorical ? ’
30 Then what ? ’
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