Example sentences of "take too " in BNC.

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1 He runs too upright , relies too much on sheer strength instead of evading defenders , and so takes too many hits .
2 It is not likely , however , that you will obtain too many vitamins from food and that this will prove problematic ; the danger nearly always arises when a person takes too many vitamin tablets .
3 Her main fault is that she takes too seriously the allusive jokes in Asquith 's letters .
4 At this point in the debate a public bunfight has arisen between , on the one hand the authors of the Coopers & Lybrand report on Tuesday that warned of a ‘ fiscal reality gap ’ and a public sector borrowing requirement soaring way above Tory and Labour projections ( about which this column warned last week ) and those who believe this takes too gloomy a view of prospects .
5 an over-ambitious agenda which takes too long to complete or has to be carried over to the next meeting .
6 In another BT study , Away From Base , psychologist Dr Guy Fielding identifies four distinct travelling personalities — the ‘ bee ’ who works hard when travelling but gets impatient if the journey takes too long ; the ‘ chameleon ’ who finds it easy to sit back and relax despite travel disruptions ; the reliable ‘ beaver ’ who always gets the job done but prefers to be in constant contact when on the move ; and the independent ‘ cat ’ who really prefers to be at home and likes to ‘ take his own world with him ’ when travelling .
7 Concrete absorbs next to no water , and soft mortar takes too long to stiffen before it can be smoothed off and marked with a light cross-hatch key .
8 THE PROBLEM … in many large organisations is that getting information often takes too long .
9 Thus , the transformational capabilities for fulfilling material needs are dangerous to the self if one takes too many of them , and they can be dangerous to others in contact with one .
10 There really is n't much point in the adventurers sitting down to read ( takes too long ) or taking books away .
11 Sometimes research itself takes too narrow a view of social changes , and their impact on family relationships .
12 It takes too long to set up and the shutter speed is so slow .
13 There are five T'yungunz in the nest to feed , but if Steg takes too long catching dindins the young 'uns die of starvation ( as do I if I do without food for more than 15 nanoseconds ) .
14 If you 're going away , pack only half the clothes you think you 'll want — everyone always takes too much !
15 Professor Hirst ( 1973 ) none the less feels that Stenhouse takes too narrow a view of what is meant by " outcomes " , arising from the " engineering approach " which he finds is encouraged by writers such as Tyler , for many years the key author in the field .
16 It can , none the less , cut out many of the worst frustrations : material that takes hours to trace , is never found , or is unavailable at the right time ; teacher-made material that takes too long , is botched in process or inexpertly designed ; equipment that does n't work , or works badly , or is preempted by someone else at the crucial moment ; timetables that do n't , when it comes to the point , allow sufficient flexibility ; help that one feels ought to be available but somehow never is .
17 Myth no. 2 : exercising takes too much time Do you have a hectic timetable and feel you just do n't have the time to exercise ?
18 It takes too long to set up and the shutter speed is slow .
19 Left-inclined social scientists argue that the pluralist perspective on British politics is grossly inadequate because it adopts a restricted frame of reference ; takes too much for granted ; and fails to deal with the whole problem of political inaction .
20 For its part , pluralism adopts a restricted frame of reference and takes too much for granted so that it skates on the surface of political life and only deals with the politics of participation and the politics of satisfaction to the detriment of any consideration of other less " obvious " things : there is little that is deep and illuminating about the pluralist perspective and crucial concerns are ignored as irrelevant to politics : pluralism is less wrong than limited .
21 He contends that the style of operation of the CNAA is inimical to this task and that course validation takes too long and compromises in course design which arise from the resolution of the often marked differences within validating boards affect adversely the quality of the work of polytechnics .
22 More and more plants are sold in pots , because growing them from seed takes too long .
23 If she takes too much .
24 When I make the stake-out it takes too little time .
25 She was just about to speak again when he said , ‘ If you mean undermining , it takes too long .
26 If the mature wisdom of hindsight takes too long coming , the record will no longer exist to preserve .
27 Traditionally some vendors oppose asset sales on the basis that it takes too long to obtain the landlord 's consent and the long delay between exchange and completion causes uncertainty for the business .
28 Because it 's erm it just takes too much energy away .
29 He says the contract with Sony music is too restrictive and the company takes too much of the profits .
30 it takes too long to follow a human birth cohort through life — the information is of little interest at the end of such an exercise
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