Example sentences of "who put " in BNC.

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1 It was Pike who put me onto the Department 's Legal Section .
2 Predictable is the reference to our non-membership being the result of ‘ narrow-minded nationalism ’ , and this emotive point somewhat detracts from the overall objectivity of many who put forward cogent arguments for British membership of the ERM .
3 I do n't know how these boys got in with him but it was him who put them up to all this .
4 Indeed Bob Arum , the promoter , who put it all down to a conflict of styles , recently dismissed his ranked middleweight Michael Nunn for such a negative performance .
5 The decision means those who invested up to £50,000 will get 90 per cent of their money , those who put in between £50,000 and £100,000 will receive 80 per cent , and those over £100,000 will get 60 per cent .
6 It is important for the Government to pursue other involved parties — including the company itself , but also the finan cial advisers who put savers into the Gibraltar fund without inquiring too much about how it was able to offer such high rates of interest , not to mention the auditors who looked at the books .
7 Where Musgrove and John Hopkins , who put it all together , got lucky was that they chronicled a period of success that may never have been equalled , let alone exceeded , by any British golfer .
8 The most popular legend concerning true cheesemaking is that of a herdsman who put fresh milk into an animal 's stomach pouch that had not been cleaned and sterilised and discovered that the action of the remaining rennet reacted with the milk to form a sweet cheese , as opposed to the known acid variety .
9 The first is a puzzle that will not surprise those who put economists alongside journalists and car dealers in their not-to-be-trusted rankings .
10 ‘ It was Mona who put me in touch with you to be honest . ’
11 But the death of Donald White an all-American African-American kid who put this faith in his country 's most traditional values symbolises something even more tragic .
12 ‘ Has Doone found out yet who put that arrow through you ? ’ he asked .
13 The wordsmiths who put wooden jokes into his speeches are writing for a man who lacks the essential sense of timing for making them .
14 One can only speculate as to who put them up to it . ’
15 And a new character joins the cast at the last minute — Eric Batson , a forceful campaigner and organiser who put new life into the Shaw Society .
16 Stephen Fry , who put Labour 's case for higher taxes ( in The Daily Telegraph ) more eloquently than any party politician , and who has now escaped having to pay them .
17 Not that his son condemns him for this , blaming instead the way Olivier Snr was brought up by a cold domineering father , a priest who put church before family , and his own dedication to fulfilling his professional promise .
18 This is not the same form of heroism as those who put themselves at risk for others .
19 Within the last 20 years it was the practice here to pen the sheep for clipping and for the fleeces to be thrown up to a helper standing on the gallery , who put them at once into the barn for storage .
20 Johnston was important as a systematic thinker who put together a package of ideas on the links between Marxist and republican politics .
21 And we were the ones who put them up there in the first place .
22 It had been left to a nephew of Lucy Trigg 's , also a naval man , who put it in the hands of a London estate agent to sell for him whilst he was abroad .
23 Why did people who put adverts for local fêtes in their windows so often neglect the paint on their woodwork ?
24 It rewards those who put self-interest ahead of the public interest .
25 It is the head and staff who put these into practice .
26 There is no doubt at all that heads have the power , in managerial terms , to make such decisions ; but it would be a foolish head who put them to the governors without first winning staff support .
27 At 7.00 next morning he placed the basin in his tin and handed it to the attendant , who put it in the hot cupboard .
28 I remember it was he himself who put it most aptly one day when mother had scolded him for commencing work at home on a customer 's suit .
29 In France invasion was in the air at court and anyone who put forward a promising scheme was sure of an audience .
30 But the last thing I did was for a guitar player in Nashville , Chip Young , who put together an album — which incidentally is getting released pretty soon — and he has ten tracks with ten different guests : local session players , myself , Chet 's on one , Grady Martin , Jerry Reed , Jerry Kennedy , Wayne Moss and various other guys , but I think guitar players out there will like it . ’
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