Example sentences of "who know " in BNC.

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1 Whitaker ( 1979 : 229 ) records how these ‘ college men ’ are described sardonically at police station level , as ‘ plastic men — who know all about how to hold a knife and fork , but nothing about how to catch villains ’ .
2 Many readers who know nothing else about Piaget 's work will know of his experiments on ‘ conservation ’ .
3 This is a familiar point to those who know anything of Freudian theory .
4 Many people who know that they may die in such circumstances wish to discuss the procedure beforehand , and it is possible that the authorities concerned may be prepared to do this .
5 How can all that knowledge be condensed into a fifty-minute lecture to students who know almost nothing about it ?
6 Nowadays they may be esteemed by their peers who know something of their work , but this esteem has little currency value in the committee-rooms where performance is appraised .
7 Those who know the life of P.B. Shelley , or of many another , will undoubtedly reflect that a man with this exalted view of the erotic life commonly makes a less reliable consort than one with more modest expectations .
8 The last lines quoted , which are also the last lines of the Canto , reveal this clearly for those who know The Cantos : the paradoxical coupling of the fluid ( the waves ) with the fixed ( the crystal ) is what Pound regularly sees as the essence of the authentic artifact .
9 Mr Sheppard believes the task calls for accomplished generalists who know something of law , accounting , commercial practice , people management and administrative systems , without being confined to a narrow , specialist niche .
10 Might they not think it more sensible to throw in their lot with their fellow Germans west of the Elbe , who know as much about running a liberal capitalist society as anybody , and have abundant reserves of capital , not to speak of generous welfare benefits ?
11 As one described it , neighbourhood policing requires constables who know that ‘ All you learn in the classroom is what your powers are ’ , and that ‘ You do n't learn about the real facts of police work until you 're out actually doing it ’ , and that you can not afford to be ‘ heavy-handed ’ .
12 Perhaps those who know the truth will be too lazy or too diffident or too poor to publish while whose who believe in error will be so rich , or well organized , or self-confident that they will control the presses and the television studios and dominate the ‘ free market in ideas ’ .
13 It should only be tackled by fit walkers who know what they 're doing with a map and compass .
14 In leaner years , the branch might have folded without the hard work put in by Sam Parker , and the award of this certificate will be applauded by all who know him .
15 A conspiracy not to ‘ let on ’ is tacitly formed among those who know better , and those who do not take their cue from them .
16 There are some people who know best all the time .
17 It is as if those who know aid best from the viewpoint of the recipients fear that an outspoken critique will turn off the tap rather than improve the quality of the flow .
18 All over north Norway now this characteristic English reply is a trade mark of those who know the mighty Tor .
19 The most telling personal images are captured by simple cameras in the hands of people who know nothing about photography .
20 He is usually accompanied by a stalker and gillie , local men who are familiar with the herds and their habits , and who know the country like the back of their hands and can help lead those doing the shooting to the right place .
21 Meet the women who know — and the counsellors who 've helped them
22 Conservative MPs who know what a party election is like do not relish the sheer nastiness that accompanies it .
23 Conservative MPs who know what a party election is like do not relish the sheer nastiness that accompanies it .
24 The only difference is between those countries , naturally not the most directly affected , who can pretend that voluntary repatriation will work , and those , like Hong Kong , who know it will not .
25 The only difference is between those countries , naturally not the most directly affected , who can pretend that voluntary repatriation will work , and those , like Hong Kong , who know it will not .
26 Golfers who know go to their pro .
27 For the concerned public to have any confidence that they can succeed , these bodies will need both governing councils and senior management who know what they are talking about , and show genuine commitment to conservation goals .
28 It is not necessary to go to the lengths of the British Airways new Four Corners shops , where the travel element can hardly be distinguished through an Ali Baba 's cave of irrelevant merchandise , but only to set up efficient systems run by people who know what they 're talking about and who can make time to understand what their travellers want , like Trailfinders with their honest bucket-shop approach , or the STA chain with its expertise in student travel .
29 I do n't think so because I 'm not really like that and people who know me know that I 'm not like that .
30 Those who know the children best can decide whether to splash out on a part-time assistant or a fancy computer .
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