Example sentences of "make good " in BNC.

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1 The decline was finally arrested in 1984 ; in the next four years the losses of the previous fourteen were made good !
2 Ideally , cables should be covered with metal half-channel before the plaster is made good with filler or a d-i-y plaster : you will , of course , have to redecorate the wall afterwards .
3 Their self-image was that of the chosen few for whom the spectacle provided an inexhaustible supply of objects ( and people ) to hate , and whilst the apparent ease with which they targeted and disposed of their opposition often made good copy ( the endless adventure , the scandal , etc. ) , there is a sense in which the hectoring tone of their documents became repetitive and wearisome .
4 Banking services and finance companies continued to trade profitably in spite of higher interest rates and the group 's network of independent financial advisers , has made good progress , although slower than envisaged .
5 After Cromwell , new squires , successful tradesmen , farmers and impoverished Cavaliers who had made good marriages then began to build new houses .
6 Meanwhile , Azariah had made good in the West Indies , and his grandson , John Frederick , returned to England and Bettiscombe towards the middle of the eighteenth century and became MP for Bridport .
7 Some haggling ensued , but Combes , who was originally from Broad Chalke and had made good in London as a mercer , wanted to show his village just how well he had done .
8 It is the only one of the old British colonial banks to have made good in the modern world .
9 Jordanians were dejected by the beating Iraq was getting , elated by the news that Iraq had made good its threat to strike Israel with missiles , worried lest Israeli retaliation drag Jordan into the war .
10 In this small inward-looking world , the intrusion of death could be dreadfully destructive ; the damage could be limited partly by sharing the loss and partly by belief that it would be made good in the afterlife .
11 The human losses mounted rapidly , and the extension of recruitment to those just eighteen years old and those already forty-five extended the worries about loved ones at the Front into almost every family , while at home their losses to farming and industry had to be made good , as far as possible , with more prisoners-of-war and ‘ foreign workers ’ .
12 The likes of Gordon Brown , Tony Blair , John Smith and Martin O'Neill have made good impressions , though Neil Kinnock , who got on famously badly with Ronald Reagan but adequately with Mr Bush , is still often referred to by the few Americans who pay any attention to British politics as ‘ the Welsh windbag ’ .
13 Louis de la Censerie 's Antwerp Central ( 1899 ) was a courtesan made good , like one of those Edwardian showgirls who married into the aristocracy .
14 In Europe the ravages of war had to be made good and then came the enlargement of universities , government institutes , and industrial establishments .
15 Dunes , palm trees , mud-brick villages , children and animals would have made good picture postcards , but , for all its beauty , the desert was terrifying .
16 130 and H167 seem to have made good starts , but Z114 better watch out since before long he may be in H167 's dirty wind .
17 Until recently , they took it for granted that their supplies from domestic sources could be obtained on credit and that , when these bills matured , any shortage of funds would be made good by the banks .
18 It was Boyer who helped Coleridge to understand the subtle logic and ‘ fugitive causes ’ which gave the greatest poetry its power , and who taught the lesson , not immediately applied in Coleridge 's teenage work , that conventional metaphors and needless elaboration seldom made good verse :
19 He had made good use of the last few days .
20 By the time they had sorted out the confusion and given chase , the woman had made good her escape .
21 Continuing on down the street the Ahearns , a Catholic family who were all of small stature , the Frys , another quiet family and the Vincents who in contrast to the Ahearns were all well built — in fact the sons could all have made good guardsmen .
22 Students are reminded that their eventual employers will expect them to have made good use of their time at university .
23 He almost invariably added that any expense would soon be made good by the increased value of the property .
24 For one thing , ICI now scrubs the wastes clean and makes money on the products and has also made good use of heat previously going up the chimney stacks .
25 The school certainly made good progress under her leadership — she was a dedicated headmistress .
26 England is ideally suited to uncovered pitches , where time lost to the weather can be made good by allowing the bowler a natural means of compensation .
27 A small jeweller in Switzerland , who for years had made good profits by flagrantly copying de Chavigny designs , using inferior stones , low-carat metals and cheap workmanship , and then passing them off as de Chavigny originals through an impenetrable network of shady dealers and retailers , found its bank was suddenly very glad to extend credit for new workshops and an expansion programme .
28 Below and beyond this zone behavioural responses must become the major controlling mechanism , but this becomes metabolically expensive , and must lead to exhaustion if it can not be made good by an increased intake of food and rest .
29 You just ca n't level the same accusation at Rickenbacker , since they 've always made good stuff .
30 Advocates of participative approaches to the introduction of new technology would applaud the involvement of production workers in ‘ productionising ’ the machinery , arguing that such involvement would mean that the particular knowledge of the workers , gained from their on-the-job experience , could be made good use of , and also that such involvement usually leads to greater commitment to the change .
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