Example sentences of "make by " in BNC.

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1 Pre-recorded broadcasts were made by BBC Radio News for Radio 4 's ‘ World at One ’ and by Independent Radio News ( IRN ) for broadcast during the week of the 7th International Conference on AIDS in Florence .
2 George Mtafu , Malawi 's only neurosurgeon , was arrested the same month after refusing to apologise for challenging public criticisms of northern Malawians made by Life-President Banda .
3 It excludes the contributions made by individuals who finance the sending of telexes and telegrams as well as the funds required to support national sections .
4 Although we may claim that we simply publish an objective report , the inference that exceptional evil existed during the occupation of Kuwait will naturally be made by those trying to justify the devastating Allied bombardment of Iraq , now retrospectively .
5 On the engraving of the picture made by Gisbert van Geen in 1588 , for which Pozzoferrato supplied the ornamental framework and which Ridolfi reproduced in his biography , Tintoretto is described as being seventy years old .
6 H. W. Janson 's History of Art , the standard college textbook , did not at that time mention a single woman artist ’ ; and in discussing the period reviewed by the exhibition , various choices of media made by women artists are chronicled , for , ‘ Many women artists eschewed painting — especially abstract painting — as a domain polluted by long saturation with male dominant values , and developed their themes in performance . ’
7 The art critic has no decisive voice in such controversies , though arguments can be made by analogy from existing art to what may be done .
8 A builder friend of mine once talked to me about mistakes made by builders .
9 Made by the joiner squirrel or old grub ,
10 Similar remarks were made by Senator Mary Robinson , who also challenged the hierarchy 's intent in their statement to the New Ireland Forum that the civil rights of Northerners would not be infringed by any pressure from the Roman catholic church in an eventual united Ireland .
11 Also a call from the Alliance Party in the North was made by John Cushnahan , party leader .
12 Even if this were so , the implication has been made by catholic school supporters that catholic schools have not promoted or reinforced any measure of prejudice , and that no other possible type of school could improve on them ( Daly 1975 ) .
13 Experiment of speaking name aloud into machine and then finding face in image made by sound-waves .
14 Westminster chief environmental health officer Maggie Tomlinson said : ‘ Any effort made by the Chinese community to improve food hygiene training and tailor courses to their specific needs would be welcomed . ’
15 The arbitrary change to existing law was made by Customs & Excise Commissioners .
16 Typical of these is the GRiDPad , a ruggedly built , pen-operated computer made by GRiD Computer Systems .
17 A starter of courgette and wild mushroom flan is made by cooking potatoes , leeks and courgettes until soft and then squeezing the puree dry .
18 A more elegant , but equally traditional sauce for pork or game is made by thickening a red wine sauce with mustard and blood .
19 It was made by a knife !
20 Thus primed , an international market is keen to see films made by young black Britons .
21 We suspect you had seen the Terrex Autospade , which is made by Wolf Tools .
22 The ‘ too fast ’ signal is made by yawing from side to side .
23 Needless to say the revelations made by John Stalker ( 1988 ) were also less than welcome to the service , and all around I heard my contemporaries condemn the fact that he had gone public .
24 Most fieldwork is simply episodic , made by an outsider moving in for a period to assess observed social behaviour .
25 His arrest , as I have suggested , will often be made by a uniform ‘ polis ’ whose physical handling of ‘ the body ’ ( the person apprehended ) will be tempered by an acute awareness of the need to maintain physical domination .
26 protests can not be made by the contestant involved .
27 They are made by the official team representative and take the form of a written deposition to the Chief Referee of the day .
28 He focused again on the patterns made by damp and mould on a patch of distempered mortar level with his eyes — a piece of coastline seen from a hill , headlands enclosing a bay with a wide curve .
29 Six Montreal Poets , a short film made by CBC — which gained considerable American exposure through Folkways Records — re-emphasised that decision .
30 She had read , ‘ Art forms are made by the people of Luctia from the preserved arms and legs of the people of Vascar .
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