Example sentences of "so and " in BNC.

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1 This is n't necessarily so and by neglecting to make a valid , legal Will families put at risk the security and future of their nearest and dearest .
2 The hostel could be tolerated for a month or so and during the interlude I would concentrate all my efforts on finding somewhere more permanent to live .
3 Why this is so and hints on how to centre quickly are given in the newest edition of Gliding ( A & C Black ) .
4 Slide diagonally forwards as you do so and twist your hips so that your centre-line faces the opponent .
5 Therefore the Russian Churches , at a synod in Moscow that year , said so and refused to send a single representative .
6 We recognise that logically this demands a transfer of resources and effort from the former to the latter , that in the words I have so often quoted , some social services are ‘ excessive ’ and others ‘ inadequate ’ — that it was bound to be so and that it is so .
7 It is unexportable , because prescription , the inherent authority of that which has always been so , is a writ which runs only where it has always been so and amongst those amongst whom it has always been so .
8 He would stay for just an hour or so and then gather up the equipment and disappear .
9 Dig down — use a stick , not your hand — for a foot or so and drop in a piece of paper .
10 This is not so and we stress that the results in Fig. 1.1 are routinely found .
11 He would ring her up every couple of months or so and invite her to the opera , or to dinner and no one paid any attention to this .
12 It followed that while the Home Secretary was free to take account of the terms of the Convention , he was not obliged to do so and that the terms of the Convention were irrelevant to the court 's decision .
13 Most of these were ‘ coppiced ’ — cut to the ground every 20 years or so and then allowed to regenerate .
14 He did so and , according to students who were present , spoke in amiable and conciliatory terms .
15 A house of this size could take two men six months to thatch , and it might - need to be re-ridged every five years or so and re-thatched every twenty to thirty years .
16 We need to hurry but it 'll take an hour or so and I do n't want the papers on to it before the next of kin know .
17 To have such ‘ scientific knowledge ’ of , say , the facts that man is the only animal with a sense of humour , that gold dissolves in aqua regia , or that triangles have angles equal to two right angles , is to know that these things must be so and can not be otherwise .
18 Just as , for the Aristotelians , knowledge or scientia has to do with necessities , with what must be so and can not be otherwise , so , for Locke , ‘ knowledge ’ is universal and certain .
19 Gibbs did so and Harvey went out to drive , but with his injured leg could not get to the pitch and holed out to Sobers .
20 Clarissa said she wished she thought so and looked gloomier still .
21 Again this is a common and ‘ normal ’ reaction , but many people feel so ashamed of thoughts like these that they hardly dare express them unless they feel safe enough to do so and trust the person they are talking to sufficiently for such a revelation to seem acceptable .
22 You ca n't make chemistry happen , you ca n't say : ‘ You and you are going to be so and so . ’
23 But I am mindful in the midst of my own troubles ma'am that you are not in good health for Miss Blagden has told me so and I am sorry to hear it and to think of you unable to leave your room and I am sorry too that the Rome winter does not prove as gentle as you had hoped .
24 One would say : ‘ Comrade so and so , ’ and their poor victim would turn white and he would have to go with them and perhaps we never saw him again .
25 Why should this be so and the rational processes just described not take prominence ?
26 The minister duly does so and reports to the House that the Belgian is a Polish immigrant .
27 If , in the case of a child attending a county school , convenient arrangements for the RE to take place elsewhere can not be made , the LEA is to allow it to be given on school premises provided that it does not consider that it would be unreasonable in the circumstances to do so and provided the authority does not have to meet the cost .
28 We can not create reasons just by intending to do so and expressing that intention in action .
29 I did so and , afterwards , Andrew asked me to take over the bulk of the manufacturing for them . ’
30 A few did not agree with Mr Knightley 's decision to allow the quarry to go ahead , even with certain provisos , and they were prepared to say so and explain why .
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