Example sentences of "so as " in BNC.

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31 The core is aligned with one coil picking up the north-south field and inclined at roughly 67° to the horizontal and adjusted so as to produce the largest positive output from the amplifier .
32 Make a note of the values at maximum and minimum and if they are not of equal magnitude adjust the zero-offset trimpot so as to make them equal .
33 With no traffic , both stations would put their send/receive switches to receive , so as to be on ‘ stand-by ’ to receive any incoming signals .
34 Yet his system , like others on the contemporary scene , is constructed so as to repel argument or contrary evidence .
35 And Pound was not above using his connection with Hewlett so as to get entry to those circles .
36 The mingled exasperation and admiration that Pound felt for Binyon are nowhere so explicit and appealing as in what he wrote for Blast ( July , 1915 ) , so as to introduce into that inappropriately vociferous context nine quotations from the demure prose of Binyon 's The Flight of the Dragon .
37 By the same token , we have to keep a watch on dates so as to see that this Eleanor is not Eleanor of Aquitaine , but her great-greatgranddaughter , Eleanor of Castile , wife of Edward I of England .
38 Yet he was to say that the entire enterprise of The Cantos was undertaken so as to uncover the reasons why war happens , so as to preclude its happening again .
39 Yet he was to say that the entire enterprise of The Cantos was undertaken so as to uncover the reasons why war happens , so as to preclude its happening again .
40 In a passage like this ( and there are several very like it , as we shall see ) , Pound 's interest in Aeneas is limited to the matter of his semidivine birth , how he was conceived by Aphrodite after she had assumed human form so as to lie with Anchises .
41 And if Pound so blithely overlooks that difference , does n't that mean that we have in him a critic who attends to form , to style , at the expense of what that form and that style are used so as to convey ?
42 So as yesterday 's half-year figures could be the last Tootal releases as an independent company , it is no surprise it worked hard to make them look good .
43 Meanwhile , there are plans to change the management structure so as to divide responsibility for editorial content , day-to-day management and the business side of the Le Monde publishing empire more logically .
44 Introducing Wired , his biography of John Belushi , Bob Woodward recalls how the rigours of research involved going to bed early so as to rise at 4am to visit one of the comedian 's favourite watering holes .
45 Sir : In her article ( 'The child as a piece of disposable property' , 2 October ) , Sue Wells argues for a change in adoption law so as to bring it nearer an open adoption system , whereby adopted children remain in contact with birth parents .
46 Accordingly , having regard to maintaining the doctor 's primary duty , a Family Practitioners ' Committee is entitled to impose conditions limiting the number of visits per 1,000 patients which might be made by the deputising service , so as to prevent excessive use being made of a deputising service .
47 MR JUSTICE MILLETT said that the particular question was whether a decision of a commons commissioner that certain land was not registrable as common land because it formed part of a highway was capable of giving rise to an estoppel per rem judicatam so as to preclude the landowner from afterwards asserting , in proceedings unconnected with the register , that the land in question did not form part of a highway .
48 Although section 25 , as re-enacted , no longer required the court to attempt to place the parties in the financial position they would have been in had the marriage not broken down , it did not , in her Ladyship 's judgment , circumscribe the court 's discretion so as to limit it to providing for the wife to become self-sufficient .
49 Cyril Ramaphosa , president of the National Union of Mineworkers and one of the group who met Mr Mandela on Tuesday , said that after their release the ANC men would demand passports so as to visit ANC leaders abroad for consultations .
50 The extreme poverty of the whole concern is pathetic , and I wished I 'd paid more for the things I bought so as to make life easier for these tanners who look just about ready to give up .
51 Once , upon her getting out of the car , they manoeuvred the vehicle so as to trap the field-worker to prevent her accompanying them .
52 Our project was designed deliberately to follow the pattern of ethnographic studies of routine policing , so as to add to this tradition the dimension provided by studying this kind of policing in a divided society .
53 The marketer must therefore turn his attention to how to identify these factors so as to be able to construct an effective strategy .
54 Due to ignorance about the local language , the slogan was expressed in Chinese so as to mean ‘ Pepsi re-awakens your dead relatives ’ .
55 It insisted on calling a separate meeting for the kolkhoz women , so as to persuade them of their independence from their menfolk .
56 This move can be interpreted either as yet another instance of poor central-local ties or as deliberate slowness so as to let more money flow into public funds .
57 Railways are a type of transport that fall easily under central control , and whose construction may even intensify political centralism , because of the rationality of disposing lines so as to converge at a central point .
58 Firstly they could be painted in camouflage to lessen the visual impact or alternatively , they could be dispersed among trees and in copses , so as to be out of sight from the very well used coast paths .
59 All this in the most magnificent scenery , a national park where the natural forest has n't been logged for years and grazing sheep is prohibited so as not to upset the natural balance .
60 Following government policy on market testing , and so as to ensure that the MOD operates within the agreed financial and manpower budgets , some catering facilities on RAF units have been transferred to contract catering operations .
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