Example sentences of "so [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps in this case the injunction can be ignored since the pattern is so widespread and so instinctively attractive .
2 If you 're not already using some form of contraceptive , you 'd better see to it , although normally I 'd agree that it 's a joint responsibility , since it seems that I 'm so atrociously lacking in control where you 're concerned … damn you , Maria . ’
3 Because he was so devilishly attractive that she could n't resist him ?
4 We 're so jolly rotten at it .
5 She had been so terrifically busy lately that she had scarcely had time to go near the beach , except for odd moments snatched while she was shopping .
6 ‘ How can you look a million dollars , be so terrifically successful in business — and yet your personal life seem to be in such a mess ? ’
7 Nor has any of them had to respond so intensely to his wishes .
8 Brodkey 's prose , stately , handsome , so intensely , so painstakingly devised , is the perfect concomitant of those advertisements for the classic suit or the traditional chair which enhance the magazine 's increasingly implausible air of quilted , buttonbacked ease .
9 He looked for the pole Star on nights so intensely black that you almost had to touch your limbs to make sure they were still there .
10 I knew I was being bewitched , laid under a spell so intensely personal , so thrilling , I did not have the power to resist it , or to judge if it were good or evil .
11 At the extreme , some nuclear waste was so intensely radioactive that it had to be kept isolated from the human environment for thousands of years .
12 To partake in that utterance must demand superhuman courage , courage from the divine , an ability to think so intensely as to die even from pure thought — to die a death ordained , not for self-glorification , a significant and saving death .
13 Snow had come very early in the year , but all of October had been so intensely cold that no one was really surprised to see such a heavy fall , although there had been no sign of it when they entered the hall .
14 for sleeping so intensely ;
15 And while we 've struggled to keep ourselves from the fridge , we have wondered why we long so intensely for one food .
16 I do n't think I 've ever experienced a recording which has so intensely provoked so many of my emotions .
17 Night Goblins hate their old rivals the Dwarfs so intensely that they will often fight to the death rather than run away .
18 I 'm a very private person and when you 're relating your feelings so intensely through the music , you want to spend the rest of the time with people you like to be with . ’
19 Doubts were expressed in Washington ; but in spite of Griffin 's assertion that the wave of communist risings in Indo-China were not economic , social or ideological , rather they were predominantly nationalistic , he concluded that it was because the Bao Dai government was itself so intensely nationalist that it was worth supporting .
20 Fergus had been so intensely aware of every separate part of her that it had been a pain and a torment .
21 She disliked the wretched man so intensely that she did n't care if she never had to see him again .
22 Hazily , Meredith tried to recall if they 'd always looked so intensely inviting .
23 Oh , yes , she recognised the sexual awareness that was an integral part of his attitude towards her , and it made her uneasy , but he could n't really mean to do anything about it when he despised her so intensely .
24 She knew now , consciously at last and with absolute clarity , why she had always reacted so intensely to Luke Scott .
25 She almost wanted to cry , he made her so intensely aware , showed her what ecstasies there might be in store …
26 In a sense the recent pressure of work was a blessing , for it isolated her , forcing her to concentrate so intensely that she simply had no time to dig deeply into such perplexities .
27 Rachel had always enjoyed being a woman , and delighted in her femininity , her sex appeal , the differences that made her so intensely female .
28 Such signs of relative forgiveness on the part of the leaders he had persecuted so relentlessly in the past , particularly Deng Xiaoping , offer perhaps the clearest insight into Chen 's career : he had never been a political force in his own right but merely a faithful interpreter and executor of Mao 's will .
29 Since the war began , Soviet military commentators , including senior serving officers , have been expressing dismay at seeing Iraq 's army , most of whose tanks and aircraft they supplied , pounded so relentlessly and effectively .
30 This is the force which I am applying so relentlessly to Daniel Miller , this is the power he is trying to escape on his bumpy journey into the winter woodlands .
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