Example sentences of "as a " in BNC.

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1 I have also campaigned for the Government to give AIDS greater recognition , not as a disease affecting specific sectors of the community , but as a social problem for which there must be adequate welfare provision .
2 I have also campaigned for the Government to give AIDS greater recognition , not as a disease affecting specific sectors of the community , but as a social problem for which there must be adequate welfare provision .
3 While pneumonia is still a common occurrence , current preventative measures and improved treatment have reduced the numbers dying as a result to only 3% by 1989 .
4 He spent three years at Charing Cross Hospital School of Nursing before qualifying as a Registered General Nurse in 1983 .
5 Work on a medical ward and as a health visitor followed until in 1988 he became a Neighbourhood Nurse Manager for Wandsworth Health Authority .
6 I have also campaigned for the Government to give AIDS greater recognition , not as a disease affecting specific sectors of the community , but as a social problem for which there must be adequate welfare provision .
7 I have also campaigned for the Government to give AIDS greater recognition , not as a disease affecting specific sectors of the community , but as a social problem for which there must be adequate welfare provision .
8 In June 1988 ACET was officially launched as a registered charity .
9 As a further alternative , you can enter into a Supplemental Deed .
10 Gift Aid may not be used by a donor as a means of writing of a debt or loan owed to him by the charity .
11 Any benefit enjoyed by the donor or a ‘ connected person ’ as a consequence of making a gift under Gift Aid must not exceed the lower of £250 or 2½% of the value of the gift .
12 As a result of preparatory work , programmes will be starting in the next few months in Uganda and Tanzania .
13 While pneumonia continues to be a common occurrence , by 1989 improved treatment had reduced the numbers dying as a result to only 3% .
14 As a result there is now a large group who are at a similar stage of HIV infection at any one time .
15 Ultimately death itself may be seen as a release .
16 Very often they are pleased to invite ACET in as a church-based agency .
17 Over the next twelve months we will be providing support to a growing number of new and existing local programmes , identified as a result of an extensive survey we have just completed .
18 The Romanian Government , WHO and UNICEF have taken a great interest in our education programme and are actively looking for ways to use it as a model for Health Education in Romania .
19 In April AI called on the Mauritanian Government to investigate reports that up to 200 political prisoners had died or been killed in military or police custody — some executed without trial and many others as a result of torture .
20 There has been a marked increase in reports of deaths as a result of torture in Turkish police stations .
21 As a result , the fate of many victims remained unknown .
22 AI has repeatedly called on the Bahraini Government to ratify and implement international human rights treaties as a matter of urgency .
23 As a multi-lingual movement the human rights message can be conveyed via dozens of reports , books and audio-visual materials to audiences from Japan to Nigeria .
24 Their cases were featured in a British Section Christmas card campaign in 1990 and they received 1,704 cards as a result of the appeal .
25 They went to Tanzania for 17 years following Orton 's sacking as a cabinet minister after a dispute with the President , and lived there for 17 years .
26 As a result , they were transferred to different prisons .
27 Governments , as a rule , do not publicize their human rights violations .
28 Of course , all sources of information must be confirmed as credible — sources could be using AI as a propaganda tool .
29 Along with the thousands of appeal letters sent as a result of Amnesty 's campaign , perhaps the clearest direct pressure is being exerted by the Sri Lanka Aid Consortium , made up of donor governments and multi-lateral institutions .
30 While falling way short of Amnesty International 's request for investigations into all ‘ disappearances ’ , this initiative is welcomed as a modest first step in the right direction .
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