Example sentences of "see right " in BNC.

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1 Now a huge one awaited him , liberals looking for expression , eager literati to put in sculpture , worn-out hippies , anyone who wanted to see right done for once .
2 One of them came to see Right Said Fred in Los Angeles and there was lighthearted talk of a collaboration .
3 Clear seems to be all the rage in the US these days , what with Miller Brewing coming out with a beer that not only tastes watered , but actually looks like water , a Clear Tab from the Coca Cola Co and Pepsico pushing something called Pepsi Crystal , so it 's nice to see that IBM Corp being right up there with the trend — enter one of those hallowed and long-standing computer rooms these days and like as not you 'll be able to see right across it with no Big Iron to impede the view — the transparent mainframe .
4 Clear seems to be all the rage these days , what with Miller Brewing coming out with a beer that not only tastes watered , but actually looks like water , a Clear Tab from the Coca Cola Co and Pepsi Co pushing something called Pepsi Crystal , so it 's nice to see that IBM Corp is right up there with the trend — enter one of those hallowed and long-standing computer rooms these days and like as not you 'll be able to see right across it with no Big Iron to impede the view — the transparent mainframe .
5 The same person the same person all I 'm saying the reason that the meeting was convened this evening and the reason that Paul wants the meeting this evening was to get the views from the public about what they felt was going on at the playhouse and what they would like to see that is n't taken place I think that was the thing behind the meeting and that 's what we 'd like to see right okay . . .
6 When he remained silent but stared at her , visibly shaken , his dark green eyes seeming to see right through her , she began crying .
7 ‘ Yes , ’ said Cadfael , ‘ I think he trusts Winifred to see right done .
8 Then Julius glanced up at her , and for just an instant Jessamy seemed to see right through the protective shield with which he had surrounded himself .
9 For just an instant she seemed to see right into his eyes , past the protective barrier that he instinctively put up against intruders .
10 ‘ Or is there anything else you 'd like to see right now ?
11 He was suddenly seeing right into the crystalline spaces of the famous poem .
12 ‘ When I came to Ampeg I had a whole book full of design ideas — everything drawn out and ready to go — which I presented them with , and the amps that you 're seeing right now are almost exactly what was in that book .
13 Their eyes locked together for an instant , and she felt as though he was seeing right into her soul , into bits of her that no one had ever seen before .
14 For seeing right through you ?
15 She drank from a cup so transparently delicate that its contents could be seen right through the patterned china .
16 However , Eiders may also be seen right along the coast , and the total numbers recorded wintering between 1960 and 1976 varied between 20 in the winter of 1960/61 and 250 in that of on average about 70–80 are usually present .
17 He has seen right from the start that the majority of Germans wanted unification and that the pace of events was dictating a much more rapid move towards unification than most people , either inside , and certainly on the outside , had realised , and he put all his authority into the campaign , campaigned extremely effectively and has had a ringing endorsement .
18 From here , on a clear day , you can see right across the Moyle channel to Scotland , less than 13 miles away .
19 We could see right out to Ramsey Island and the deadly line of rocks known as The Bitches .
20 Above right : I can see right through you !
21 UNSUITABLE FOR A FAMILY NEWSPAPER Veil of secrecy ‘ You could see right through his trousers , ’ said the British judge Vanessa Riley .
22 From the top you could see right over the seaside resort out into the countryside beyond .
23 ‘ I can see right through her ! ’ he might have boasted , if you had suggested the possibility to him .
24 From its leafy canopy he could see right over the gardens and the wilderness of the lower grounds to the rows of cobbled streets on the far side of the beck wall .
25 I knocked on it but it was so dilapidated that I could see right through the door frame and into a large room where a man was sitting in a kitchen chair , dressed in trousers and vest .
26 Always he made her uneasy , as if he could see right through to the deeps of her scheming soul .
27 ‘ Aye , and not before time , we 'd best see right round the place .
28 I could see right away Tom was looking for his caddie , and so I thought , ‘ This is it — do or die . ’
29 She can see right through me , he thought .
30 As she reached the gate at the farther edge she could see right under the low bridge — and as she looked she saw the van turn the bend at the top of the short hill leading to the bridge , and increase speed down it .
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