Example sentences of "see also " in BNC.

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1 This drift towards incoherence can be seen also in the work of Dick Lester , the most ‘ pop ’ director of the decade .
2 This failure to invest for the long term can be seen also in innovation , the development of new ideas and products .
3 But like Parry , Sky see no real problem , and yesterday gave a full-blown London premier to the 90-second commercial which will be seen also on ITV .
4 All of these phenomena , including the formation of an actin cable , are seen also in the healing of analogous types of wounds in the mouse embryo ( P.M. , J. McCluskey and J. L. , manuscript in preparation ) .
5 English literature , as the art most readily available for education , is seen also as a means of encouraging goodness and strengthening the will , a central factor given the " vast importance to a nation of moral training " .
6 All that I saw was seen also by Hugh Beringar , but after what has come to light this morning these details fall into place . ’
7 This feature derived from Cézanne 's work can be seen also in some of Braque 's l'Estaque landscapes .
8 The same increasing central control and rationalization can be seen also in the introduction in 1720 of a regular tariff for the purchase of commissions ; in the 1750s of the custom of numbering regiments rather than referring to them by their colonel 's name ; and in 1792 of a common system of drill , based on that of Prussia , for the whole army .
9 Equally , however , they embody and express distinct cultural orientations , and like all ‘ common locations in the social and historical process ’ they have to be seen also in the context of cultural movements .
10 This should be seen also in the context of improving communications within the Garden , between gardens , and between RBGE and external information resources and services .
11 It was seen also to reflect the growing strength of the fundamentalist lobby within ANAP believed to be led by a Minister of State , Mehmet Kececiler , who had campaigned publicly for more Islam-oriented legislation .
12 Sometimes the tail-end of a sequence exhibiting sequential affinity , can be seen also to be part of a localised example of integral affinity .
13 When they are quite innocent of certain events they are unfortunately blamed by the public in those areas , and they are seen as damaging the countryside and they are seen also they do not encourage the matter when you envisage the fact that they have these erm , for instance , animals — the dogs around their sites which are not noted for their behaviour , and there are many aspects of their behaviour which upset people around .
14 He could see the money in the paintings and he could see also the alarm wires leading to them .
15 You can see also , alas , the appalling riverside car park created on top of the covered market , which is the sort of planned ugliness one had thought only English town councils capable of .
16 We can see also , as between the Godwinians and Bloomsbury , that the external relations of such formations are not only a matter of internally defined intentions , but of the actual and possible relations of the whole social order .
17 We can see also how the first sentence has a second phrase using syncopation , which is a distinct change from the first phrase .
18 For example , if we chose to make see and see also references for a work on Gravity waves , the following entries could result :
19 Autopartei/Parti Suisse des automobiliste ( APS/PSA — Automobile Party , Jürg Scherrer ] replaced Michael Dreher as pres. in October 1990 ) ; Partei der Arbeit der Schweiz/Parti suisse du travail ( PdAS/PST — Workers ' Party of Switzerland , Jean Spielmann pres. — see also pp. 38447-48 ) .
20 In February 1991 Czechoslovak , Hungarian and Polish representatives met in Visegrad , near Budapest , to co-ordinate as a group their negotiations with the European Communities ( EC — see also p. 38 ) and co-operate on economic and security issues .
21 The fighting , eventually suppressed with the aid of Interior Ministry troops ( OMON ) , appeared to be between supporters and opponents of the new coalition government which President Rakhmon Nabiyev had been compelled to accept in May ( and which had been refused recognition by Kurgan-Tyube 's neighbouring Kulyab oblast and by Khodjent oblast in the north — see also p. 38916 ) .
22 Eighteen of the 22 former HEP members elected to parliament in October 1991 joined the OZEP , leaving the SHP with 70 seats [ compared with 88 following the October general election — see also pp. 38739 ; 38873 ; 38930 ] .
23 The UN Security Council had approved in April the creation of a UN Operation in Somalia ( Unosom — see also p. 38855 ) , with a 50-strong group of military observers in UN uniform , and UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali on June 23 announced the decision to send in this group , whose task would be to monitor a ceasefire which had been signed by the two main militias in February 1992 but never implemented .
24 European Community ( EC ) foreign ministers agreed on July 20 in Brussels to defer until autumn the proposed upgrading of a co-operation accord with the Association of South-East Asian Nations ( ASEAN , of which Indonesia was a member — see also p. 39005 ) after hearing an account of human rights abuses by the Indonesian army in East Timor from Joao de Deus Pinheiro , the Portuguese Foreign Affairs Minister .
25 So now here I am — Mrs Tamm wo n't leave her desk — not heading back to my own room and my labours on the great Assessment , but in the back parts of the building where I have never been before , picking my way blindly along the twisting ad hoc corridors , up and down odd arbitrary stairs , in the faint hope of ( seeing also ) .
26 What they saw also changed .
27 He saw also the way the Hogans looked after her as she left the kitchen .
28 She saw how bloodied it was , but she saw also that it was still essentially whole .
29 And George Seferis saw also , when Eliot was inscribing a book , " how nervously he grasped the pen " .
30 He saw also Dutch things in the French heat , bridges not formally different from those in Delft and Leyden , colours in the glare that reminded him primarily of the soft blues and yellows of Vermeer .
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