Example sentences of "out through " in BNC.

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1 He looked up as Marion , Conroy still clutched to her side , came out through the doors from the stage , some of the others trailing behind her .
2 It should be damp enough to hold together when squeezed in the hand , but not so wet that water still runs out through the fingers .
3 Which is why , for this On the Rock , I climbed Eastern Terrace alone in the rain , and with every bright flower glowing out through the dismal weather in that majestic place , as I struggled to identify it , in my memory Evan was there behind me , as he always will be now , nodding with that peculiar wise grace of his , smiling , showing the way , ‘ … as when our days were a joy , and our paths through flowers . ’
4 Another 500 East Germans came out through Hungary in the 24 hours to yesterday morning , bringing the total who have left since Hungary opened its borders on 11 September to 26,500 .
5 Instead of ribs , the machine has a canvas roof to shield us from the weather , and although one can peer out through slits here and there , the effect is of travelling in a closed world , like an outsize gypsy wagon .
6 At 7.30 I am walking out through the town in the direction of Lochy bridge then across Blarmhor .
7 This example of practical remembrance is paralleled in our other welfare facilities — at Sussexdown and Richard Peack House and the Eagle Lodges — and perhaps most importantly as we reach out through our Honorary Welfare Officers and out members to find and to help individuals in need .
8 The sum was raised at a model aircraft flying display that was all but washed out through appalling weather .
9 It grew until it was a window and out through the window she could see down a long tunnel ; and beyond that the sun shining and the mountains rising over the fruit trees .
10 Quite suddenly she felt a generous relief , as though she 'd given science and herself new hope of heaven , and set out through the gathering dark , home , home across the dragon-haunted park .
11 The temperature falls and Nathan pulls the nylon sledge cover up over his head , peering out through a narrow slit so as not to miss anything .
12 The big Healey was on its way out through simple old age and the ‘ small ’ Cobra was being superseded by the even more brutal 427 as Selby fought aerodynamic mediocrity with good old-fashioned cubic inches .
13 A cloud of cigarette smoke hangs over the group , slowly wafting over the television set and out through the open window .
14 He smelled frying bacon and heard the chatter of women as he walked across the tiled hall and let himself out through a side door .
15 Middlesbrough 's goalkeeper Stephen Pears is back in light training after eight months out through injury and illness .
16 Rowdy customers will be hard to throw out through the double pressure doors of the air-lock , but at closing time Daedalus will reverse the pumps and take the pressure up above atmospheric .
17 Twenty yards down the road , however , there was an exit marked OUT through which we rapidly drove , successfully avoiding the missiles .
18 He was sitting at a carefully chosen table with the magnificence of Princes Street stretching out through the window behind him .
19 He replaced the pad and teased these out through the slits .
20 Had she pretended to wait on everybody at some private view , then walked out through the door ?
21 Gina ran her bike over his foot viciously as she went out through the narrow hall .
22 But today Gloria blundered out through the swing doors when she 'd hardly been in there any time at all and looked like she was groping along in her sleep .
23 ‘ That 's him , then , all gone , ’ Gloria said , before a nurse came scurrying out through the doors , took her by the arm and led her back into the ward .
24 She could imagine it clanging across the hall , up the stairway , along the draughty corridors , around the drawing-room and out through the open windows .
25 Down the twisting stone stairs again and out through the front door opposite the barber-shop where the barbers used to look so longingly at our flowing locks — later on , the regulation hair-style for most young men .
26 There was something in his walk — his whole aspect — as if , instead of having come out through the front gate , he had squeezed through a secret hole in the fence .
27 ’ . So that I disturbed nothing , but went out through a door into the walled kitchen garden — the garden with its crumbly black soil enriched by centuries of pigs , pails , and poultry , where soon houses would stand .
28 Sticky pools and channels of drink were seeping out through the gaps in the floorboards on to the sand beneath the kiosk .
29 The video games tootled their loony tunes ; illuminated signs , ‘ HOTDOGS , POPCORN , ‘ DO-NUTS ’ , winked out through the gloom .
30 All the doors were locked and bolted so I climbed out through the kitchen window and dropped into a bed of lavender .
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