Example sentences of "which time " in BNC.

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1 The most significant way in which times were changing was in the emergence of a new attitude to owing money , a new norm , a new orthodoxy .
2 The National Grid was charged with adopting a ‘ merit order ’ of power stations , based on efficiency , in order to fix which power stations were to be used at which times .
3 Of the calls for which times were available ( and excluding the seven visits which occurred outside the claimable hours ) , 536 ( 33.8% ) were done between 2200 and 2300 between 0700 and 0800 ( SE proportion 0.0119 , 95% confidence interval 31.5% to 36.1% ) .
4 Even this only becomes valuable when you are below 1000 feet , by which time , of course , you will have moved closer to the gliding site or nearer to a suitable field if you are flying across country .
5 Age Concern expressed reservations in its response to the Griffiths Review of Community Care that contracts for certain services might prove unprofitable to private sector providers after a few years , by which time District Health Authorities would have divested themselves of the resources to provide similar services .
6 Fourteen additional units were authorised in May 1986 , by which time traffic on the Midland electrified lines had increased by 50 per cent since electrification .
7 The group was finally disbanded in 1969 , by which time China had been plunged into virtual anarchy and economic collapse .
8 After junior appointments at St Thomas 's and Great Ormond Street he entered the Royal Army Medical Corps for two years , during part of which time he investigated the dangers of hyperthermia in tank crews and how they might be overcome .
9 In fact , months of wrangling between the band 's manager and the record company usually ends with the band being dropped , by which time the other record companies who initially showed interest have gone cold .
10 The Committee reported in December 1942 , by which time it had become a part of the larger Cabinet Committee on Reconstruction problems .
11 Despite the memorandum by Keynes referred to above , the foreign exchange aspect of overseas government expenditure was conspicuously absent from the debate in the Defence Committee from its beginnings in 1946 right through to August 1947 , by which time it may be argued that the damage had largely already been done .
12 The police arrived three hours later , by which time the seige of the Bengali homes had ended …
13 The incident occurred on lap 50 , by which time Mansell had already ground to a halt with no gears .
14 Joanna was kept in hospital for 10 weeks , during which time she was tested for all kinds of illnesses .
15 At the same time a platoon from A Company were finishing their week attached to the 1st Battalion the Danish Life Regiment , during which time they were thundering over training areas in the Danish Ml 13 Armoured Personnel Carrier .
16 After several months ' work , during which time they lived in a caravan parked on the site , the owners , Mr and Mrs Bates were able to move into the future garage area of the building in August 1984 and to continue work on the upper-floor accommodation under the shelter of the reslated roof .
17 Steam for 70 min , by the end of which time the pudding will be perfectly puffed up and set with a just-molten streak in the centre .
18 It meant she did n't know whether the foetus carried the disease until she was twenty-one weeks pregnant , by which time abortion is very difficult both physically and emotionally .
19 The crisis came at 5-5 in the second game , by which time Horner had begun to dig in .
20 Tenants ' association club on the Sparrow Farm estate … it is alleged that people who had been drinking at the club attacked the family in the off-licence opposite PHOTOGRAPHS : KENNETH SAUNDERS Bitter questions of racial violence Ramesh K and his family were hounded out of their Feltham off-licence by 18 months of abuse and attacks , during which time they became pawns in a battle between the local council , the police and two rival race relations bodies .
21 William White had worked in the office of the architect Sir George Gilbert Scott , during which time he had met the famous church architects G.F. Bodley and G.E .
22 He wanted to do a bit before New York and it worked because before the tour started , there was very little interest in New York , but it sold out in Cleveland which we knew it would , and both shows were great , by which time word got back to New York instantly , as it does , and by the time the show at Carnegie Hall happened , it was sold out .
23 Research on the fast breeder reactor started in the United States in 1945 and the answers extracted by the committee indicated that the product was unlikely to be needed until practically the middle of the twenty-first century , by which time uranium resources would be running low and prices accordingly high .
24 Moreover , there were four years before the last National Serviceman would leave the Army , in which time world instabilities would , in the General Staff 's opinion , make the Army 's case for a higher manpower ceiling .
25 Salami are usually air-dried at a constant temperature during which time they lose well over a quarter and up to a third of their original weight through evaporation of the water content .
26 The cheeses are matured in a specially constructed humid cellar for 2½–3 months , during which time they lose a further 225–325g/8–12oz in weight and develop a mould or rind beneath the muslin .
27 Encounters with Donald were documented for the next 6 years , during which time he travelled on a southward odyssey along some 480 km ( 300 miles ) of British coastline , from the Isle of Man to Wales and then to Cornwall , stopping off in small harbours , boat havens and coves along the way to socialise .
28 Conversely , global climates started to cool late in the Miocene , at about which time some formerly common dolphin families disappeared .
29 Should he wait for a year , by which time the quarrel between Hindus and Muslims over the disputed Ayodhya mosque will have cooled down ?
30 Night fishermen fished at the outflow to the power station until morning , by which time they were dizzy , vomiting constantly , and their skin had acquired a nut-brown nuclear tan .
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