Example sentences of "all me " in BNC.

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1 If I do n't watch her , she goes round opening all me windows .
2 Aye , and I have all me hair and most of me teeth and that 's more than many men ten years younger can boast of ! ’
3 There 's not much chance of finding an 'usband down 'ere and Aah 've no wish ti stop an old maid all me life .
4 ‘ E mast be LOADED — and then getting on the next coach to Leeds to get all me money just like John Lennon 's dad . ’
5 ‘ Yes , an' it 's all me own , ’ she replied , smacking her belly as she walked by .
6 ‘ Oh , that 's all me eye , Joe .
7 Me , all me
8 In the dream , I was singing it in all me funny voices , from the squeaky one to the gruff one and it was a pile of bollocks .
9 ‘ Oh , yer rotten liar , ’ breathed the young woman , a shabby black straw hat on her head , ‘ I never snaffled no gent 's wallet in all me born days . ’
10 Not a drop of gin or brandy ever touched me lips in all me born days .
11 I 'd trust all me gels with yer .
12 I ai n't dyin' to wear grey all me life , y'know . ’
13 All me three gels is fond of 'im … ’
14 ‘ It 's all me frustrations , ’ said Dolly from the bed .
15 ‘ I tell yer , Joe old cock , my bleedin' trouble is that I 'm misunderstood meself , I been sufferin' misunderstandin' all me life .
16 You do n't think all me days of starvation 'ave ruined it ? ’
17 ‘ Oh , you rotten beast , I 've never 'ad fleas in all me born days . ’
18 ‘ Mind , 'e might 'ave been after all me little gels , they bein' 'ighly valuable . ’
19 He 's a nice upright gent that people like , and all me gels is very fond of 'im , specially young Linda . ’
20 ‘ I have all me life to do that . ’
21 I 'd done nearly all me time in Styal , you know , and then the last thing they sent us out .
22 ‘ It 's not all me .
23 I 'd batter any German who came down our street , and all me neighbours say the same . ’
24 All me wheels nicked . ’
25 She complains cheerfully as we enter saying , ‘ Jaz I 've never had so many people kissin' me in all me life , strangers and all , you 'd tink I was in Italy or England or America , God forbid ! ’
26 So me say all me want is a poun " to get in [ inaudible ] and me ten pence bus fare .
27 I do n't mind where I go in the ground , just as long as I am not with all me scouse mates .
28 There was no mention of the rights of people to combine collectively to have their views represented , no where in that , it was all me me me .
29 This is doing me no good at all whereas it seems to be all me and my wife it 's but like we went to court , Mr and Mrs who were equally involved in it
30 I cut out all me , in , eating in between
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