Example sentences of "can have " in BNC.

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1 Well Howard , you ca have the England manager 's job , I 've made my decision .
2 What Mr Sutherland can 've been thinking of , I do n't know .
3 ACET recognises that people can have needs in many areas .
4 But some such efforts can have sympathy , as in those stirrings of national spirit in central Europe before 1914 , when literature , language and music were fuel for Czech , Polish or Hungarian aspirations .
5 Not every reader of his book can have come to it believing the chauvinistic claims that have sometimes been issued on behalf both of psychoanalysis and of oral history , or prepared to believe that these pursuits could be successfully combined .
6 To say this is not the same as complaining of his acknowledgement that poor people can have a good time .
7 I do n't think that its readers can have had much trouble in finding in the life and work the responsiveness Ackroyd finds in them .
8 But also because such violence can have some hegemonic justification — derived in Ireland from the threat of the alternative alliance — the beliefs too must be scrutinized for their contribution , religious beliefs as well .
9 If I were told to-morrow , ‘ You can have a united Ireland if you give up your idea of restoring the national language to be the spoken language of the majority of the people ’ , I would , for myself , say no .
10 Again , according to Bernstein ( 1975 ) , Ball ( 1981 ) , and many more , schooling can have opposite effects on children according to whether children have been socialized into working-class or middle-class aspirations , and according to the actual way the schooling process is structured by the state , the teachers , and the subject-disciplines .
11 At the same time , sociologists of education generally hold to the view that schools can have an important role in both conservation and social change .
12 If you want a story , you can have one .
13 History , indeed , tends to show that public intervention can have the effect of reinforcing rather than curbing market excesses .
14 I have great admiration for all those involved in the Academy of Culinary Arts and think it a fine , courageous and important creation , but can someone explain how a meal of such ineptitude can be served in its name , and how some of the best chefs and restaurateurs in the world can have eaten it without public comment ?
15 ‘ What on earth can have possessed me to take a job like this ?
16 Look , I 've brought you some things so you can have a cuppa on me .
17 ‘ She comes in first thing , but steer clear until about nine o'clock so I can have a chance to explain things . ’
18 I 've had another word with Personnel and they say that even though I ca n't have any more full-timers , I can have a part-timer to help me with making the sandwiches in the morning and clearing up last thing at night .
19 They have to keep a logbook but that 's only a check to make sure that nobody 's leaving a mess in the common areas and we only have it because we 've found that some residents can have problems because they 've become deskilled in certain things .
20 In addition , all drugs can have nasty side effects .
21 They can have a seat on which you can travel facing sideways , or facing to the front ; a platform on which you can stand , or a platform on which a wheelchair will travel .
22 Burridge ( 1969 ) has written most persuasively about the effects which fieldwork can have on the anthropologist , describing the prophetic experience this can produce .
23 For the uniformed ‘ wollies ’ at the bottom of the hierarchical pile , any move into detective work can have parallels with a marginal movement .
24 No one who was around in the late 1960s can have avoided the flood of changes which swept through the dress , sexual codes , language , food styles , cinema , literature , music , and other generative aspects of the new counter-culture .
25 ‘ Oh , you can have all the blight and disease , dear , ’ Francis told her , ‘ we 'll stick with the sunshine and thrusting buds .
26 You can have a nice lie in . ’
27 ‘ But the President of the World can have left none of us unmoved by the depth of his feeling .
28 We can have the room you chose at the beginning of the week . ’
29 This is one of the things that philosophers mean when they say that our mental representations are ‘ opaque ’ : thoughts are ( necessarily partial ) representations of reality and therefore we can have one thought about a referent without having any access to another ( ‘ lover ’ / ‘ mother ’ ) .
30 We can have , then , an analogy between the natural languages that we think in ( English , Swahili … ) and the programming language , on the one hand , and the machine code and our ‘ language of thought ’ , on the other hand .
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