Example sentences of "would the " in BNC.

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1 But however , it raised my Curiosity very much : And happening to meet with her a Day or two afterwards , I begg 'd the Favour of seeing it ; which was readily granted .
2 The poem is set in the night and opens with ‘ … lonely Mira with her Head reclin 'd , / And mourn 'd the Sorrows of her helpless Kind ’ [ vol. 1 , p. 273 ] .
3 And gave you Beauty , but deny 'd the Pelf
4 Where large Increase has bless 'd the fruitful Plain ,
5 Would the outcome have been different had he acknowledged to himself what he was doing ? he wrote .
6 How much would the season ticket cost ? ’
7 The question in this situation is , would the pilot have recognised that this would not have been possible if the aircraft had been 50 feet lower ?
8 Would the others make for Castle Menzies ?
9 Never again , except in the nostalgic hopefulness of a few — would the ceremonies be performed ; gone were the offerings , the blood-shedding , the fire and incense , the gorgeous ( and the plain ) robes , and the rest of the sacred imagery which ‘ fenced-off ’ God 's otherness from the people — and brought them close to him in awe and penitence .
10 Only at the functional level would the two types of system be equivalent .
11 Would the ballerinas named above have reached the same eminence without the personal attention of a choreographer of genius ?
12 The overlooked hood in the newspaper scanned by the parajournalist would not have done equally well , nor would the cudgel .
13 And if Turgenev were to object that one could not find a more typical product of the 1840s than the Petrashevsky Circle to which Dostoevsky belonged , how would the other man reply ?
14 Certainly only in the next batch of cantos ( post-1930 ) , which began with extended excerpts from the founding fathers of the Republic , would the scale of magnitude of the poem become apparent , also its topicality and its Americanness .
15 Would the anger of those denied passports exceed the gratitude of those who received them ?
16 Only if there was no card or a dud card would the car be photographed as evidence for prosecution .
17 Nor would the Berlin Philharmonic welcome him if that were so .
18 Nor would the Government I lead .
19 We are as anxious as anyone to provide good working conditions for public servants ; but would the public servants themselves honestly contend that working conditions during eight hours of the day should , in the present emergency , take priority over the living conditions of mothers and children for the whole twenty-four hours ?
20 If they did , would the silvery dust mean anything to them ?
21 Would the boy do ? ’
22 Would the scholarships pay for everything ? ’
23 ‘ Where would the rest come from ? ’
24 Though the weapons and equipment are constantly modernised ( the Micks got the new design of helmets two years ago , the new rifles last year , and we are due the new webbing next year ) , Napoleon 's generals would still have recognised the discipline and aggression , as would the Kaiser 's , and Hitler 's .
25 ‘ Er , would the Frau like a seat ? ’
26 They would certainly have been completely astonished to learn , as would the author , that The Problem of Pain would become a great commercial success .
27 Nor would the letting of the house at £400 a month be advisable , because the accommodation in the hotel that the Povah family would need is worth considerably more in terms of income .
28 Sixthly , how would the possible creation of such a German unity fit in with the Helsinki process , and would it promote a constructive evolution of that process in the direction of ending the division of Europe and progressing toward integrated legal , economic , ecological , cultural , and information environments in Europe ?
29 How would a united Germany fit in with the attempt through the Helsinki process to end the division of Europe ? ; and , would the new Germany take into account the interests of others in concluding a European peace settlement ?
30 Would the same principle of sudden and catastrophic meltwater releases to the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets in the greenhouse world to come ?
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