Example sentences of "they [not/n't] " in BNC.

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1 There are several rival accounts of this , some of them not compatible with materialism .
2 ‘ I have told them not to think that lightning ca n't strike twice , ’ the former Wimbledon champion said .
3 ‘ There are some initiatives going on which interest me , whereby young women who had a child when they were adolescent , and although they love the child , regret very much that they were too young , too immature , and too unsupported to care for it effectively : it 's being suggested that they should go into schools and talk to girls about the glories of motherhood at the right time , but begging them not to embark on it too young .
4 In the face of their insistence and that of Arab League negotiators , he warned them not to settle for any deal which did not involve the withdrawal of 30,000 to 40,000 Syrian troops based in west Beirut and the hinterland .
5 The students were about forty in number , most of them not from universities .
6 As they square up to each other the spouses of the first three men ‘ Enter above ’ and implore them not to fight .
7 When she raised them the rest of the way she held them not to her streaming eyes , but to her ears , listening intently for the sound of the sea .
8 When I asked the headmistress of a junior school my daughter had been attending about the racist remarks children at the school had been making her answer was well-meaning and typical : ‘ Asking them to say thank you and please or asking them not to swear is one thing but asking them not to say ‘ nigger ’ or ‘ wog ’ or ‘ black people stink ’ is quite another .
9 When I asked the headmistress of a junior school my daughter had been attending about the racist remarks children at the school had been making her answer was well-meaning and typical : ‘ Asking them to say thank you and please or asking them not to swear is one thing but asking them not to say ‘ nigger ’ or ‘ wog ’ or ‘ black people stink ’ is quite another .
10 It ai n't fair , them not letting you keep pets in
11 Derbyshire folk may query the authenticity of this but I defy them not to enjoy the results .
12 Refugees bring with them not just a bundle of belongings but an accumulation of skills and knowledge and a real determination to make a positive contribution to their new country .
13 ‘ Forty of them would have voted against her if the Lord God Almighty had come down and instructed them not to ’ said one minister .
14 Mr Hurd urged them not to make ‘ the last main chapter in the story of this country 's Empire ’ a shadowy one .
15 The sonic pulse systems emitted by toothed whales are directional and most species seem to use them not only to detect food but also to make fine distinctions on the basis of the echoes .
16 He stood out among them not only because he had a surer command of his people at home , but also because Cuba is where it is , so the Russians helped him much more than the rest .
17 On that occasion Moses urged them not to be afraid , and God responded immediately by ordering the preparations for his great act of salvation .
18 The Spanish Civil War was a mirror into which men gazed and had cast back at them not a picture of reality but the image of hope and fears of their generation .
19 The court seemed to be afraid that if it allowed the jury to take account of one characteristic , such as sexual impotence , then it would be illogical to direct them not to take account of another characteristic , such as irascibility or bad temper .
20 Gaily walked home , opened the front door , called out to them not to worry , took the brown leather-cloth bag of washing and left the house again .
21 Half of me wanted to ‘ wow ’ everyone with how good I looked — show them I could do it , be thin if I wanted — but half of me also wanted them not to notice .
22 The contra leaders , sitting for much of the time in Miami in their well-cut lightweight suits and their gold watches , had purposes in view , some of them not especially noble ; the rebels in the field were mostly tired , variously motivated , and confused .
23 He issues this warning to parents : ‘ Let them not too much apply themselves to the disposition of their children ’ — in short , not to become obsessed with the whole business of bringing them up .
24 One can sympathise with owners of great houses , faced with tax and running costs , but let them not think that furnishings of the standing of Kent 's at Houghton can simply be dispensed with as ‘ surplus to requirements ’ and that their loss from the house would not in future be regretted .
25 But when Jesus saw it , he was much displeased , and said unto them , ‘ Suffer the little children to come unto me , and forbid them not : for of such is the kingdom of God .
26 Enid : I would just give them a big hug and tell them not to be silly .
27 And her soulful eyes and wobbling chin would be challenging the others , daring them not to join in !
28 In general , it is often unnecessary for exporters to cover every currency risk but imprudent for them not to cover any risk .
29 The press could provide little enlightenment because all newspapers had received a D-Notice asking them not to print any details about the background to the case .
30 ‘ Tales about married men , some of them not all that far away from here either . ’
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