Example sentences of "from within " in BNC.

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1 But when he does resume them , when the time comes for him to make his next leap , the suggestions made in the course of this affair of his fiction fatigue and literal turn — suggestions which receive both rebuttal and support from within the shape-changing dialectic represented by The Counterlife — will not deserve to be forgotten .
2 From within this perspective bishops and clergy lay down rules for the laity to follow in any given situation and the teaching of the church is seen as absolutely clear and devoid of problematic .
3 He goes on to argue that the bourgeoisie have always used sections from within the ‘ dangerous classes ’ to control those who are overtly troublesome , perhaps following the maxim that ‘ it takes a thief to catch a thief ’ , when he argues : ‘ for one and a half centuries the bourgeoisie offered the following choices : you can go to prison or join the Army ; you can go to prison or go to the colonies ; you can go to prison or you can join the police ’ ( ibid. 23 ) .
4 To suggest from within the institution that these influential and powerful units of control are essentially ephemeral and arbitrary constructs , involved in very limited and narrow areas of practice , will almost certainly lead to a rejection of the account ; and the findings are more than likely to be attributed the same metaphorical rejection as the activities of the villains and criminals , as was illustrated in the response to the study undertaken by the Policy Studies Institute outlined above .
5 Certainly he came under such guidance from within his family which clashed with his own predilections , for his varsity life seems to have been plagued by vocational uncertainty and more than a touch of its weakening indifference .
6 Other importable file formats can only be loaded from within the TableCurve environment , so suitable data need only be typed into an ascii file with a word processor or line editor to be used , and a path to any directory on the disk can be included if necessary .
7 ALTHOUGH the British government would deny ‘ grooming ’ a candidate from within the ranks of its Hong Kong civil service for the job of chief executive after transition in 1997 , it has given John Chan , 46 , a series of fast-track official posts which make him a credible contender for the job .
8 Seamus Mallon , an SDLP MP , said if the report was true it was a direct challenge from within the police to the authority of the Chief Constable and the Government .
9 But it was the challenge from within the Panamanian Defence Force ( PDF ) that most concerned General Noriega yesterday .
10 This has been one of the central preoccupations of ethnographic police research , especially that inspired by phenomenology and ethnomethodology , and so apposite is policing to this focus that many theoreticians from within phenomenology and ethnomethodology have used it for the application of their ideas ( Cicourel 1968 ; Pollner 1987 ; Sacks 1972 ; Sudnow 1965 ) .
11 Drive out , kill self , let God be then alone in me — then in God we will find ( no , he-in-us will find ) ourselves selfless free sons Come God — my God is and is in me , in you rather let God explode burst from within filling the whole of us away from self just He He He He Theos — no , the one — Heis .
12 It was not just that degenerates were thought to be intelligent and gifted ; their intelligence manifested one of the most disturbing paradoxes of the perverse : a vitiating regression to the primitive from within an advanced cultural sophistication .
13 Because still in 1988 , under the pressure of social instability and political crises , homosexuality could be regarded as a kind of privation or error , an ‘ inverted positivity ’ , an inimical , pernicious , inauthenticity always threatening to return from within the true and the authentic .
14 But again , what is often left out of such accounts of the unconscious , even as it is invoked as the prime destabilizer , is the importance of the perversions in precisely this respect : Freud insisted that what is operative from within the unconscious , producing this very instability , is repressed perversion .
15 She contests the view that these practices are ‘ either degrading to women , in the case of drag and cross-dressing , or an uncritical appropriation of sex-role stereotyping from within the practice of heterosexuality , especially in the case of butch/femme lesbian identities ’ ( p. 137 ) .
16 But , crucially , and this reminds us of Genet , Bersani locates a challenge inseparable from a certain ambivalence : if gay males threaten male heterosexual identity , it is not because they offer a detached parody of that identity , but rather because ‘ from within their nearly mad identification with it , they never cease to feel the appeal of its being violated ’ ( ‘ Is the Rectum a Grave ? ’ , 208 — 9 , his emphasis ) .
17 From within such a perspective sexuality comes to be understood relationally — not as the relations within sexual difference , but the relations between the sexual and the non-sexual as these have been both imagined and as they may now be radically envisioned .
18 If his successor at British Coal were appointed from within the corporation he considers that it would be impertinent to tell him how the job should be done .
19 Pearce also met with a considerable degree of resistance from within British Aerospace in his efforts to steer it through privatisation .
20 From within the cover the ride is impressive ; closer to the ground , I can hear thumps and bangs as well as the runners hiss .
21 Latin American art has been undergoing such a review both from within Latin America itself and from elsewhere , with several exhibitions and books on the subject in the last few years in Europe and the US .
22 It is more a matter of approaching the book 's arguments from within a milieu of relatively academic contemporary art theory and being unable to see the wood for the trees .
23 This pressure from within the media was reinforced by other social changes .
24 This small unit , consisting of highly-skilled soldiers recruited from within the brigade , jumped into Safra in the early hours of this morning .
25 The idea is simple : communities with high unemployment and economic depression can be turned around if the companies that operate in those communities can be persuaded to become involved in them , invest in them , and train and recruit people from within them .
26 It followed growing pressure from within the ruling Communist Party for a dialogue with the opposition , and came after newly elected Communist Party leaders in the provinces had already made contact with the biggest opposition group , New Forum .
27 Mr Gonzalez has also come in for criticism from within his own party .
28 Most owner-managers expected to finance all or part of their purchases from within the firm .
29 Mr Gonzalez has also come in for criticism from within his own party .
30 The jockeying for position has begun and the Civic Forum 's statement that it intends to contest those elections has met with opposition from within its ranks .
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