Example sentences of "but not " in BNC.

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1 Sadly , the notes referred to money and medicines that had been sent by the family but not received in the prison .
2 In Europe , classical times are a beginning for historians , but not for archaeologists .
3 One may remove the words ‘ next slide please ’ from the text , but not from the sequences of thought .
4 The standards which can be obtained in colour reproductions today are high , but not always attained .
5 The sky is of the blue of an English summer day , with large , but not threatening , clouds of a silvery whiteness .
6 In London historians and critics are solicited for opinions by the auction houses , sometimes but not always accepting a fee ; commissions for articles are independent decisions by editors .
7 The poor little rich boy was looked after by a second mother in the person of strict Ilse , from Germany : this did a great deal , but not enough , to relieve the isolation he felt — which , as his researches disclosed , was to be a factor in the isolation and rejection suffered in turn by his younger brother , who also left for the Mediterranean .
8 This could be said with some emphasis of Chatterton , but not of Eliot himself , who moreover survived , who grew to be famous , who did not kill himself , though he was to wonder how one might set about dying .
9 Kapuscinski is a seeker of general truths who is sparing with his generalisations , and who likes certain kinds of particularity but not others .
10 In Take a girl like you a great sentence falls like the dew from heaven during one of the scenes in Amis when a terminally drunk man endures a sexual turmoil and fiasco , is stunned by a stunning but not very nice girl .
11 I have heard that before too , but not from any writer .
12 If the Queen 's telescope had been able to reach into Patrick 's classroom , there would have been a surprise in store for her — but not for Patrick , who at least affects to believe the story that Orwellian minders are peering at the punters from the screens of the punters ' television sets .
13 The music of the words is there to be used — but not at the expense of the sense and emotional content .
14 I could afford the naked women but not the naked scepticism , the carping and sniping and the public washing of dirty linen which represents freedom to an English editor .
15 A somewhat unusual system one might think : but not according to the papal encyclical Quadragesimo Anno of 1931 .
16 But not in the so-called work of art .
17 But not in the so-called work of art .
18 But not in a hundred .
19 Avoid the retinal , he wrote , but not the image .
20 I remember the words but not the face .
21 To change is to die , he wrote , but not to change is also to die .
22 Sense of its presence , he wrote , but not an oppressive presence ( as with For Micah , for example ) .
23 My arbitrary decision to hang up gauze and let draught play on it , but not my decision what the result of that play would be .
24 More and more convinced he 's right , but not quite sure what it needs .
25 Size clearly has something to do with its effect , he wrote , but not size as reflection of ego .
26 Perhaps there is still something in it , but not for me , he wrote .
27 A house of sin you may call it , but not a house of darkness for the candles are never out , and it is like those countries far in the north where it is as clear at mid-night as at mid-day …
28 The John Bull in Layerthorpe , York ( B Wilson , 1937 ) was a Tudor-style pub remarkable solely through having survived unaltered , but not listable simply on these grounds .
29 ‘ It 's grossly unfair and discriminatory that cold take-out food should carry VAT from a hotel but not from anywhere else .
30 Brown , who went on a one-day course at T IS before coming back and installing the system at Morgan Grenfell , is now teaching colleagues to use it , including unit manager Karen Goate , ‘ Computers used to frighten me , but not now , ’ she says .
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