Example sentences of "she [adv] " in BNC.

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1 That bloody gaff we 're livin' in now is gettin' 'er down .
2 I 'll kick 'er down !
3 I 'm sure I do n't know why you took 'er in if yer did n't mean to treat 'er kindly .
4 Mrs Casey took 'er in an' called fer ole Doctor Kelly .
5 ‘ I ai n't seen much of 'er lately .
6 He told the Queen how he once made the cast salute her as she drove past.He did n't have his Minder with him today , but he did bring 'er indoors .
7 ‘ This is what I am telling 'er always , ’ Madame sighed .
8 She might easy 'ave murdered 'im if our dad 'ad n't pulled 'er off .
9 Feed 'er up , get a gold lamé turban and you could be back in the ring with 'er no time at all . ’
10 ‘ Pick 'er up an' bring up 'er wind .
11 I 'll tell Jack Dodson to pick 'er up for the fatstock market on Thursday .
12 … she call us in to do 'er dirty work for her , build 'er up , she wants us out again 'cos she see that we 're gettin' education and we 're gettin' brainy , and we 're comin' into power so she wants us all out before we reach too high .
13 ‘ But they wo n't 'ave ter pay 'er what they owe 'er now she 's dead , will they ? ’
14 ‘ We 're gooin' ter tek 'er upstairs an' lay 'er out , ’ she said .
15 Took 'er back to 'er childhood , it did .
16 I 'm sure I do n't know why you took 'er in if yer did n't mean to treat 'er kindly .
17 Maggie said : ‘ Yer 've seen 'er then . ’
18 ‘ But I 'd never see her again if I took 'er there .
19 ‘ But what if he loses his temper — threatens 'er with that knife , even knocks 'er about ?
20 I ai n't seen 'er about fer ages .
21 " I can put two or three calves on to 'er instead of milkin' 'er .
22 ‘ It 's 'er again . ’
23 ‘ We 're gooin' ter tek 'er upstairs an' lay 'er out , ’ she said .
24 I wish you 'd seen 'im chasin' 'er round .
25 ‘ I bet yer that Polly 's told 'er ter goo , ’ said another .
26 Now yer know what a cowson that Frank is. 'E told 'er ter piss orf out of it in no uncertain terms an' Maudie told 'im she was gon na send 'er ole man round ter sort 'im out .
27 I 'll take some Bovril up for 'er too , and some sausage rolls , we all 'ave to keep body an' soul together .
28 When he eventually introduced himself , she politely told him that she would rather pay her own bill and had enough money to do so .
29 She politely thanked him , but told him they were n't welcome .
30 Juliet was n't really hungry , but she politely accepted a small slice .
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