Example sentences of "have [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 It plays world and indie music , it has face-painters and babies , and , if you 're interested , it 's held in the Town Hall in Shoreditch on Saturday nights .
2 The main bedroom has balconies over the west-facing stone loggia and the bay window of the drawing-room .
3 Foolish indeed is he who supposes that the music is only an excuse for the parties ; not only does everyone go , but everyone has opinions .
4 The myth that a man makes has transformations according as he sees himself as hero or villain , as young or old , but it is essentially the same myth ; Tom Jones is not the same person , but he is the same myth as Squire Western ; Midshipman Easy is part of the same myth ; Falstaff is elevated above the myth to dwell on Olympus , more than a national character .
5 Standard & Poor 's has misgivings about this particular plank of the strategy : the company is moving into markets with entrenched competition and aggressive pricing , it says — perhaps a salutary warning all of those companies attracted by the bright light of Asynchronous Transfer Mode switching .
6 Tessa Waite recognises the stereotype of the woman as carer but has misgivings .
7 E. subalpina has suffusions of pink and grey in its glaucous foliage .
8 ‘ Lilliput has enemies at home and abroad , ’ he explained .
9 The snake has enemies more lethal than Laverne 's memorable mild teasing .
10 He has clinics in Dublin , London and Armagh .
11 Mr James was brought in by Eagle 's creditor banks — the group has debts of over £80m — and has been given until the end of next year to turn the business around .
12 In both it is the trustee who has debts .
13 Maxwell , 33 , who has debts of £406.5 million , arrived promptly for a 20-minute interview with a job counsellor at Didcot , Oxon .
14 The aftermath of these events is that the supporters ' club now has debts totalling £4,684 .
15 Is the Prime Minister aware that Gloucestershire has debts of 125 million pounds .
16 The service has been a life line to Jeff Lockyer , he now has debts of a few hundred pounds , which compared to a couple of years ago , is an enormous weight off his mind .
17 He has since been sacked by Nalgo and has debts of £10,000 .
18 The association , which operated from Darlington Arts Centre in Vane Terrace , has debts of almost £30,000 .
19 Their rapacious habits have been the subject of bloody hyperbole in films and bestsellers , so everybody knows that the shark has ranks of fearsome , pointed teeth , an elegant , incessant swishing swimming motion , a tail with a long ‘ point ’ uppermost , and a big appetite .
20 The hotel also has bikes for hire and a 25% reduction is offered to Enterprise guests .
21 Ibbeth Peril has secrets it discloses only to brave men but its sylvan surroundings can be enjoyed by all .
22 Sir John , the seventh baronet of Redenham in Hampshire , who also has estates on the Isle of Wight and on a Scottish island , refused to discuss the matter yesterday .
23 I 'm glad to report that Captain Alwyne Farquharson of Invercauld who has estates on Royal Deeside and on the island of Mull , has finally abandoned his opposition to a film crew building a temporary track on the island .
24 ‘ He has estates in …
25 To the degree that a managerial ideology and practice has tendencies towards bureaucracy and control at the school level , then it will itself create pressure upon teachers towards the restricted view of professionality .
26 There is also a fair sense of fun about the place ; the lunar mock-up has signs warning kids to ‘ Keep on the Moon ’ .
27 We try to give a picture of Israel as a democracy , a country that has strengths and weaknesses , that has reasons for being distrustful . ’
28 Pat has reasons not to mind .
29 Human beings are purposive ; a person 's performance has reasons behind it .
30 The company has products in clinical trials with two American and European pharmaceutical companies .
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