Example sentences of "and each " in BNC.

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1 Since 6th April 1990 , married couples have been taxed independently , and each spouse is responsible for paying tax on his/her own income .
2 Since 6th April 1990 , married couples have been taxed independently , and each spouse is responsible for paying tax on his/her own income .
3 Each Amnesty member participating in letter-writing actions and each local group involved in adopting or investigating a prisoner case is a researcher of potential new information : as part of their campaign to free Sudanese POC Bashir Abdelrahim , members of the Leamington and Kenilworth group wrote to the Prison Commander at Shalla Prison , where Bashir was held , in the remote Western Sudan .
4 Each of the two principal actors glimpses his double in passing , as a reflection in a glass , and each stands to the other in the same relation — a relation which presupposes , as in many other Gothic texts , some sort of metempsychosis or rebirth .
5 Thomas Hardy 's Ale , brewed by Eldridge Pope , has an OG of 1126 degrees and each small bottle has to be laid down for several years before it is ready to drink .
6 At the wedding , everyone but everyone came up to me to say , ‘ It wo n't be long before it 's your turn too , ’ or something similar , and each time somebody said it , I grew increasingly resentful .
7 There were only three divisions in the city — east , west , and central — and each of us in our own division knew we were the élite ; for just as the men in the west were certain they were best , so the men from the east remained convinced of their own superiority .
8 Each male team must field at least three competitors and each female team , two .
9 You are now facing each other in a fully square-on position and each has an equal target profile ; furthermore , each has an equal opportunity to use body weapons .
10 Be prepared to train twice as hard on your weaker side and each time you feel fed-up through lack of progress , switch to your stronger side to give yourself a boost .
11 Each of the ‘ sentences ’ in the network only has meaning in terms of its relations to other sentences , and each of these sentences only has meaning in relation to others , and so on .
12 The brackets must end up with their two oblique edges absolutely square , and each bracket must be identical .
13 It is particularly appropriate in the case of a ballet that tells a story where the libretto has to be set out in such a way that the action can be logically developed and each item roughly timed .
14 Thomas Hardy 's Ale , brewed by Eldridge Pope , has an OG of 1126° and each nip bottle has to be laid down for several years before it is ready to drink .
15 The climb kept unfolding in front of me , the weirdest sequence of moves , each one different , each one technical , and each one etched forever in my brain , like the steps of a dance .
16 Each separate query must be accompanied by a valid Free Advice Coupon and an sae and each query should be written on a separate piece of paper .
17 A text of the past may be of interest to a critic , a philosopher , and a historian , and each would discover his appropriate interest within it .
18 Back stage was like the Costa Brava : everyone oiling themselves and each other .
19 ‘ These new cluster rockets have a range of 30 to 40 miles , and each one has 90 small mines in it .
20 Nothing was too daunting for him and each new part was dispatched with the same intelligence and mental and bodily concentration .
21 Andrew Crisp from Winchester was applauded loudly for describing the rise in base rates as a sign of ‘ clear leadership ’ ; and each reference to the central plank of Mr Lawson 's strategy was a signal for a demonstration of approval .
22 Yates was also tested in each of the next five days of the Tour of Belgium as standings leader and each time tested negative .
23 It replicates itself , and each new copy , which is independent of the original , goes on to carry out the task for which the virus was designed .
24 They were in rows , and each body was covered by an Army blanket .
25 You are Scottish ? ’ and each time she touches my kilt with her hand , throwing her head back and laughing as we spin around the dance floor .
26 For an overview we took each party 's average score across the four party images , and each leader 's average score across the twelve leader images .
27 Traditionally , Tsarist as well as Soviet local government was conducted on a strictly bilateral basis between the centre and each separate guberniia .
28 For a long moment you , and each and every one of your neighbours , pray that you are not this man 's doppelgänger .
29 She had gone for a walk up the road , beside a field of sunflowers , and although the sun had not yet risen she could sense the whole field turning away from her and each flower raising its face towards the eastern hills over which the sun would shortly leap .
30 The way people tackle things is very much the influence of their background and each will achieve things in different ways .
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