Example sentences of "and within " in BNC.

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1 A 10th Anniversary article in the Observer referred to it as ‘ a small back-room in an alley off London 's Fleet Street , ’ and within days the office was getting letters addressed to ‘ Amnesty , Alley Off Fleet Street ’ .
2 The art of civilisations other than that of the West are now more readily visible through photography , and within the limitations of the medium , usefully so .
3 The emergence of a new pro-capitalist party in the South from the end of 1985 , the Progressive Democratic Party , might show the extent to which political divisions based on the treaty and within the nationalist component of hegemony may have become problematic , to be partially replaced by an even more explicit concern with increasing the popular wealth and prosperity .
4 And within a week of switching to a macrobiotic diet the pains had eased .
5 They often get lost because they have not kept the airfield in sight and within easy gliding range .
6 I replaced the portion of turf , reseeded its damaged edges with ryegrass mix and within weeks the site of the ants ' nest was again as smooth and green as the rest of the lawn .
7 The woman I spoke to on the phone realised this immediately and within the hour a man in a boiler suit arrived .
8 This may sound a somewhat highfalutin' way of making an obvious point ; but the obvious points are often the important ones : in this tension we find the limits of experience , beyond which we locate an objective universe and within which we locate subjectivity .
9 On 19 January electric trains began operation between Bishop 's Stortford and Cambridge , and within three months authority was received to electrify the nearby ten-mile gap from Royston to Shepreth Branch Junction ( near Cambridge ) , the anticipated £2.5million costs being justified by savings in the use of rolling stock and lower maintenance costs .
10 The choreographer can make an overall rhythm fur a long phrase of music and within it shorter phrases .
11 He can create overall rhythms and within them short phrase rhythms , but the basis of them all is that they exist in groups and by being efficient in action and appropriate to the context give pleasure to both the performer and the onlooker . ’
12 Nevertheless his choreographic plan is so designed that each movement of every dancer , whether as an individual or part of the group , is co-ordinated with the others so that it fits correctly into the overall pattern and within the space allotted by stage , wings and backcloth which — in Symphonic Variations — delicately echoes the curving lines or the dance .
13 There are three basic types of fibreboards : mdf ( or medium density fibreboard ) , hardboard , and softboard ( often called insulating board ) , and within these categories boards may also vary in size , grade , properties and finish .
14 He rubs it absently , accosting strangers in the street , seeking out a friend and within minutes exclaiming that he wants to be by himself , watching children wistfully , accusing wellwishers of persecuting him with their kindness ; until at last he explodes on the brink of confession in a terrible universal cry : ‘ Oh , if only I were alone and nobody loved me , and if only I had never loved anyone ! ’
15 And within the language-system of English , the sounds and letters of d-o-g are recognizable as such simply because they are not d-i-g , or d-o-n , or l-o-g .
16 Although there is parity of esteem among academic subjects , and dog is careful not to eat dog , at least in public , a scientific model of knowledge has , I believe , come to dominate the modern academy , and to affect attitudes to and within humanistic learning .
17 And within six years , wanting to register ( in The Criter - ion for 1934 ) the distinction of Binyon 's version of the Inferno despite its consistent inversions of prosaic word order , Pound found himself in the same situation , having to contend with those who had learned too well or too inflexibly the lessons he himself had taught them :
18 These identifications will not hold good throughout the poem , precisely because the two poets were so intimate , and would remain so : each could and did ‘ internalize , the other , in the sense that within Yeats there was a voice that spoke the sentiments of Pound , and within Pound a voice that spoke like Yeats .
19 Like Einstein he distrusted the senses , like many philosophers he was incapable of sustaining close emotional relationships , and within his cloistered concentration miracles took place .
20 Research and development should be taking a bigger priority in our public expenditure and within the private sector than it is even now . ’
21 IN THE EDWARDIAN world in which Patricia Cockburn grew up , writes James Pettifer ( further to the Obituary by Richard Ingrams , 9 October ) , there were rational certainties : the family bank , as an Arbuthnot ; the Empire , as a source of employment and , in the case of the grandparents , huge wealth from China ; and within the Empire , the natural world , as something to be explored , revered , loved .
22 Leading 10-8 and within a frame of the title , Wattana had the sublime confidence of youth to go for the $100,000 jackpot prize on offer for a 147 , choosing reds more suitable for continuing the red-black sequence than those which offered maximum certainty of winning the title-clinching frame .
23 He detects tensions everywhere between national Olympic committees and their candidate cities , ‘ certainly within the US and Australian candidacies , and within Britain 's ’ .
24 Motability forwards the form to Blackpool and within 4–6 weeks will inform you how much they will pay towards the costs .
25 These changes of pattern take place by a process which bears much more resemblance to that in areas outside public provision and within the scope of market forces than is commonly supposed .
26 It is the complexity which is first and foremost a social process , and within which the text was , and still is , implicated .
27 At the same time , and within a heterosexual economy generally , there tends to be a profound separation between identification and desire , especially for males .
28 Or , more accurately , hierarchies , including those of class , race , and gender , and within each of which each subject is situated differently .
29 His research work at the university 's petroleum warfare department led indirectly to him joining Esso , and within weeks he was faced with one of the many challenges that were to punctuate his rise to the top of the industry .
30 ‘ I joined the refinery straight from university , never having been anywhere near the place before , and within ten weeks I was actually in charge of my own shift .
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